go to www.rom.gov.sg
所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2008-02-10 17:25

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
go to Services->search for marriage record. Use your Singapore IC number to search, and it will cost some money. They will mail you a letter (i.e., no record is found), and you can use it for authentication from Singapore Ambassy in China. Then you should be able to get married in China :)

Put your OWN COOL signature here!
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这么才可以在新加坡办到单身证明呢 tanweesze   (46 bytes , 965reads )
ROM? freed0m   (43 bytes , 371reads )
go to www.rom.gov.sg leongchan   (290 bytes , 833reads )
中国结婚需要单身证明 cxw   (0 bytes , 394reads )