所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2010-06-04 09:32

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Dear Sir/Madam,

We do not reveal the factors that caused the rejection of visa application. If you wish to appeal against the decision, the Local Contact may write in officially to ICA within one month from the date of rejection, together with the application form - Form 14A, appeal letter and original supporting documents, including a proper photograph of applicant.

The Local Contact may wish to send your appeal letter to:

Immigration & Checkpoints Authority
ICA Building
10 Kallang Road
Singapore 208718

The processing time is approximately 14 working days depending on the complexity of the case. ICA will revert back to you as soon as possible when there is an outcome of your appeal.

Thank you for your patience.

ICA SAVE Helpdesk

以上是写邮件给ICA通常会得到的官方回复。如果你男朋友是你的Local Sponsor的话,让他按以上地址帮你写申诉信寄去移民局,同时附上相关的证明材料。最近ICA的政策收的很紧,连Entry Visa的发放也很谨慎,就是PR给自己的亲妹妹申请入境签证都可能会被拒。被拒了不要紧,去申诉吧。申诉的技巧是,先按正常的申诉途径去申诉,一般就可以解决问题。如果正常的申诉途径走不通,而自己又觉得在情在理,那么就找移民局或政府的高层投诉。只要你的要求是合情合理的,通常高层会介入帮你解决问题的。在新加坡,高层的电邮都是在网上公开的,只要一Google就可以找到。这是新加坡政府在公平和透明性方面强于中国政府的地方。

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ICA_SAVE_Helpdesk@ica.gov.sg 喜欢吃火锅   (1345 bytes , 2716reads )
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