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Q How long will a member be covered under ElderShield?
ElderShield provides lifetime coverage to its members. Once an ElderShield policyholder starts paying premiums, he would be insured under ElderShield. A policyholder will be covered under ElderShield for the rest of his life when he finishes paying all the premiums (i.e. at age 65) under the Regular Premium Plan or a lump sum premium under the Single Premium Plan. For example, he can still submit a claim if he becomes disabled at age 85, so long as his total claims have not exceeded 60 months.

After ElderShield Reform, all new members who are issued an ElderShield cover on or after 30 September 2007 enjoy the new increase in benefits to $400 for a maximum of 72 months. Existing ElderShield members who are insured under the $300 cash benefit, can choose to switch to the poli

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【万能求助】大家都选这个ElderShield吗? tsingazure   (81 bytes , 1891reads )
为啥我没收到这封信? 我想睡觉   (0 bytes , 68reads )
40岁的时候才会收到这个信 用心聆听   (18 bytes , 63reads )
Eldershield是65歲之前不要再付款, 但保終身 CLY   (258 bytes , 162reads )
请教一下 面向大海   (49 bytes , 134reads )
可以, 但是根據當時的健康狀況 CLY   (54 bytes , 97reads )
關於ElderShield保險 befaster   (52 bytes , 93reads )
case by case CLY   (273 bytes , 105reads )
對了, 補充一點, 12月31號之前提升, 第一年保費有100元折扣, 前提是身體健康 CLY   (75 bytes , 187reads )
这个是标准的保单 bigmice   (298 bytes , 144reads )
不是当65岁前才賠 CLY   (50 bytes , 130reads )
请去CPF网站仔细读读 bigmice   (110 bytes , 151reads )
不需要升級也是lifetime喔。請看網站 CLY   (844 bytes , 184reads )
你是对的是的 bigmice   (71 bytes , 162reads )
没懂 eyesonme   (35 bytes , 107reads )
意思是 bigmice   (222 bytes , 121reads )
但是6个ADL中三个的可能性太小了吧 tsingazure   (16 bytes , 87reads )
可以升级到2个 bigmice   (81 bytes , 107reads )
升级的话每年要交多少钱?要一直交到65岁? tsingazure   (4 bytes , 77reads )