NUS Bukit Timah Campus is built upon an area that was previously a cemetery. Till today, some of the tombstones are visible if you enter the lush forested area between BTC and Jacob Ballas carpark area. The area is seemingly unsafe to explore, but if you are really interested, feel free.
One of the most famous sites of supernatural activities is the Female toilet on the 3rd floor of Oei Tiong Ham block.
It is rumoured that a woman dressed in blue has made the area her regular haunt. This encounter has been experienced by numerous janitors and security guards doing their rounds. The unsuspecting janitor would arrive at the toilet, wanting to wash it. He or she would notice strange sounds coming from the inside of an occupied cubicle. The janitor would call out and ask the woman to leave so that cleaning can be done. No one would answer. The janitor would then proceed to stay just outside of the toilet to wait for this woman to emerge from the toilet. Upon re-entering after some time, the janitor would find that the woman in blue had vanished.
Sometimes, the cubicle door would open and shut by itself. This usually happens when they janitors take a longer time to clean the toilets. These cleaners would also sometimes hear their names being called softly or tapped on the shoulders, only to turn around to find no one there.
A few security guards have reportedly sighted a mother and child figures like apparitions along the vicinity of the toilet. Some even claim that some shadows and the movements of supernatural entities have been captured in the CCTVS. The school management has also ordered that some of the places within the BTC can be only cleaned with more than one janitor.
I am not from NUS BTC and these are just spooky events that I heard from my friends who have graduated from there. However, if you have some law friends or NUS friends who hang out BTC a lot, you can verify these stories with them. Even better, set a date to explore this haunted block. Go on, I dare you.