所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2019-02-21 06:55  更多评分:

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

Most of the complaints to Case about hair salons have been about questionable sales tactics, misrepresentation and unsatisfactory services. A salon chain in particular, Ecoin.sg, also known as New Station Beauty & Hair, received 36 complaints from January 2013 to the end of last month. Of these, five were lodged this year.

Madam Anna Tay, 50, filed a complaint after she was charged around $4,700 for what she thought was an $88 dye job in April. "I was in a rush so I signed the bill without looking at it," she told The Straits Times. She realised the discrepancy only after the staff asked for another credit card to charge an additional amount.

told me that the amount was for a package of 20 sessions, but I didn't sign any contract," said Madam Tay, who works in sales.

She went back to the shop several times to ask for a refund but failed. After Case stepped in, she got most of her money back.

In another case reported in the Chinese-language Shin Min Daily News last week, a 24-year-old man who went to the salon chain's Ang Mo Kio outlet on July 24 for a $5 hair cut claimed he was forced to pay $470 for a hair treatment.

The hairdresser said he had dandruff and that his hair follicles were damaged, advising him to undergo treatment, said the customer, known only as Mr Xu.

He agreed to a session, which cost $188. But after it ended, he claimed the hairdresser told him repeatedly that the treatment would work only after 15 sessions, which cost a total of $2,820. He ended up paying $470, the equivalent of 21/2 sessions, and left. He said he "had no other option" because of the staff's hard-selling tactics.

When The Straits Times visited an Ecoin.sg outlet in Toa Payoh, its manager Michael Wang, 44, said the salon does not practise hard-selling. "If they like the results of the hair treatment, we will explain to them in detail the price of the package and the terms and conditions," said Mr Wang.

Asked if the salon has received any complaints, he said: "We have customers who buy a package and later regret it after discussing with their family and friends. When they ask for a refund, we'll refund them." He added that the salon has a hotline for aggrieved customers.

When a consumer files a complaint with Case about a business, a Case officer will step in to negotiate for an amicable settlement between the parties. If that does not work, Case will push for mediation, failing which the case will be escalated to the Small Claims Tribunal.

Veteran lawyer Amolat Singh said consumers should be very sure of their purchase before signing a contract.

"Some people may have second thoughts after that. Ultimately, the court will look at what both sides have to say and the surrounding circumstances, such as how soon the customer took steps to get his money back," he said. "If you feel that you are locked in the salon and have no other option, you can call the police and sue the party for wrongful restraint."

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小额法庭是法庭 qingni   (78 bytes , 47reads )
,发廊从前年1月至今年9月,共接获40起投诉。 熊维妮   (57 bytes , 33reads )
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这篇报道有消息解决过程 GeneralID   (2991 bytes , 79reads )
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把信用卡给家人用是蛮普遍的 qingni   (280 bytes , 29reads )
在不主张信用卡盗刷的情况下,银行是不会停止付款的。 阿尔维斯   (140 bytes , 20reads )
赶紧和银行联系,让银行停止付款 qingni   (510 bytes , 19reads )
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【法律咨询】小额法院起诉理发店 天外飞海鲜   (11 bytes , 27reads )
这属于盗窃 飞鱼不会飞   (26 bytes , 35reads )
报警抓自己爹妈么? 阿尔维斯   (128 bytes , 23reads )
这是两码事吧 ikiwiberry   (0 bytes , 20reads )
信用卡的主卡持有人(Main Card Holder)- LZ ce3873   (131 bytes , 28reads )
然后楼主并没有给老人申请附属卡,而是把主卡主接给老人用 阿尔维斯   (0 bytes , 15reads )
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【法律咨询】小额法院起诉理发店 进展 天外飞海鲜   (64 bytes , 39reads )
那个报纸,给个链接,或者贴个图 qingni   (0 bytes , 23reads )
找到了,看来还是报纸厉害 qingni   (62 bytes , 19reads )
华新也有人发了。不过为啥不公布是哪家店?别人也好吸取教训。 qingni   (294 bytes , 22reads )
信用卡dispute有结果了吗 kasa   (102 bytes , 27reads )
楼主做好心理准备 小小耗子   (232 bytes , 39reads )
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3000肯定是要签的 不过 很多不比对签名 大概大概就好了 家有仨宝   (0 bytes , 22reads )
平时大概大概就好 阿尔维斯   (50 bytes , 20reads )
很多100以内不需要签名 家有仨宝   (0 bytes , 16reads )
报警抓理发店的人呀 飞鱼不会飞   (56 bytes , 25reads )
不要危言耸听 qqdriver   (112 bytes , 22reads )
我就问一句收据上的字谁签的? 阿尔维斯   (248 bytes , 25reads )
可以从银行那边要求调底单 qingni   (168 bytes , 20reads )
不用调,楼主手上有 阿尔维斯   (75 bytes , 17reads )
啥情况? qqdriver   (50 bytes , 20reads )
【法律咨询】小额法院起诉理发店 天外飞海鲜   (181 bytes , 37reads )
89也很贵啊 那日   (0 bytes , 26reads )
这么拙劣的手段也敢用?! 缤纷乐2014   (51 bytes , 24reads )
是染上了镀金的头发吗? Finland12   (40 bytes , 25reads )