所在版块:社会百科 发贴时间:2020-08-25 15:26

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Kindly note that there are new requirements for all travellers entering Mainland China. With effect from 28 Aug 2020, 0000hrs, the People’s Republic of China requires all passengers departing from Singapore for China to take a nucleic acid test (NAT) for COVID-19 within 5 days before boarding. More information can be found here.

For passengers booked on TR100 from Singapore to Guangzhou, departing on 30 Aug 2020, 0515hrs, the following testing arrangements have been made by the relevant authorities and must be strictly adhered to.

The NAT for passengers on this flight must be done tomorrow, 26 Aug 2020, 0900hrs – 1030hrs at the Regional Screening Centre (RSC) located at the former Shuqun Secondary School (450 Jurong East Street 21, Singapore 609604). Kindly adhere to the timing to prevent overcrowding at the RSC.

Passengers must bring their passport and a copy of their flight itinerary or confirmed booking for TR100 on 30 Aug 2020 for the NAT to be done. Passengers without the necessary documents will not be able to take the NAT. Passengers must also have a valid email address before arriving at the RSC and will have to provide the email address at registration. The test result will be sent to the email address provided.

Passengers who already have scheduled NATs or are being scheduled for NATs before the flight should proceed with their scheduled NAT. Only passengers without an existing NAT appointment should proceed to the RSC.

Passengers who are unwell or show symptoms such as fever, running nose, sore throat should not go for the NAT. Instead, they should seek care from a doctor.

The NAT will cost SGD 186 for each passenger. After taking the NAT, passengers will receive an email on payment instructions. Passengers must make payment before the NAT results will be released to them.

Take note that as the NAT results will require a turnaround time of 48 hours, passengers must adhere to the time slot of 26 Aug 2020, 0900 to 1030hrs for the NAT to be able to receive the results in time for the flight on 30 Aug 2020.

Please note that there could be circumstances whereby passengers might require a re-test which might affect their ability to board the flight.

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#该来的总会来# 关于在新加坡实施赴华航班乘客凭新冠病毒核酸检测阴性证明登机的通知 功夫熊猫   (15896 bytes , 14371reads )
有了健康码 Newtimes   (24 bytes , 25reads )
同问 surface04   (47 bytes , 47reads )
刚收到酷航的邮件,复制过来,不知是否对需要回国的有用 2019年   (2231 bytes , 22reads )
这只是针对酷航那一个航班的。 苔条麻花   (89 bytes , 12reads )
大使馆确实挺让人无语的 2019年   (110 bytes , 15reads )
中国驻新加坡大使馆领事 微信公共号 昨晚有发通告 oyoe   (66 bytes , 20reads )
其他国家对待自己在国外的公民是不是也是这样的 pipi02   (0 bytes , 27reads )
麻烦谁给个此公告的官方出处? 流浪的吉吉   (113 bytes , 11reads )
我一楼给的链接是摆设吗 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 8reads )
http://www.chinaembassy.org.sg/chn/gdxw/t1807989.htm 回家吃包子   (0 bytes , 19reads )
希望大家有新的消息 miroknight   (160 bytes , 18reads )
我早上也打了。 黄青青   (62 bytes , 18reads )
试着打给航空公司? miroknight   (101 bytes , 20reads )
中国出各种奇葩政策又不是一次两次了 Erencie   (148 bytes , 10reads )
哈哈,战狼白拍了,讽刺! Bosch   (0 bytes , 13reads )
小坡刚公布坡机场可以国际转机,这个中大使馆单方面声明就发布了。对症下药撒 。 水水水水水水   (124 bytes , 8reads )
给大家参考 Owlfriend   (165 bytes , 19reads )
你这就是出差的特殊情况 HX3000   (18 bytes , 9reads )
请问向moh申请的时候有提供什么文件吗 回家吃包子   (0 bytes , 9reads )
公司申请的 Owlfriend   (67 bytes , 17reads )
你这不就是上面说的 amyray   (16 bytes , 13reads )
不是去中国 Owlfriend   (53 bytes , 25reads )
您这ID酷,中国注册不了吧 ImHResIDE   (0 bytes , 20reads )
估计大使馆接到命令一定要把回国阳性数降下来 ecccom   (82 bytes , 23reads )
我国在for the greater good上面 雪梨坡   (245 bytes , 10reads )
吴京此时正在被批斗 gobackC   (96 bytes , 13reads )
吴京是谁? 雪梨坡   (323 bytes , 10reads )
调侃归调侃 gobackC   (783 bytes , 23reads )
"为什么新加坡已经检查ok可以出院了的人 回去却又阳性了?" TPMT   (96 bytes , 14reads )
人家正在筹备战狼3呢 安妮小小   (28 bytes , 8reads )
这是瞎说了, shidu   (50 bytes , 10reads )
新加坡客工的问题关键还是测得太慢 bluecutie   (184 bytes , 18reads )
因为你们这些草民上面不care啊 edb   (40 bytes , 8reads )
想通了又有什么用 雪梨坡   (108 bytes , 10reads )
可以给客工包机 haomi2015   (28 bytes , 15reads )
美国的小留可以包机,谁能上飞机那就要拼爹了。民工省省吧。 qazplm   (20 bytes , 10reads )
想到了两个成语。 haomi2015   (0 bytes , 13reads )
最近可能国内新加坡输入病例太多了? funny189   (48 bytes , 15reads )
哈哈,每次国内一出政策版上的“热血青年”就赶紧出来骂骂 serena315   (134 bytes , 21reads )
好多住宿舍工友买的25-30是机票,正在抓瞎,你还在这扯美国蛋 ImHResIDE   (32 bytes , 24reads )
呵呵 edb   (125 bytes , 17reads )
https://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2583932 serena315   (476 bytes , 33reads )
看中文论坛不是问题 edb   (271 bytes , 14reads )
大哥!你点开看了吗?! serena315   (73 bytes , 23reads )
没人有功夫点这个。 qazplm   (76 bytes , 16reads )
哈哈,不跟你们这群人争 serena315   (226 bytes , 26reads )
美国关我们屁事,你这种拿美国护照的才关心。 qazplm   (0 bytes , 12reads )
同意,我和这个层主一样都是不通英文的 大力出奇迹   (66 bytes , 12reads )
不要歧视不读英文的,我就不读,也不信这垃圾 ImHResIDE   (0 bytes , 27reads )
美国公民不要总读驻马店新闻社的假新闻啊。 douknnowme   (72 bytes , 26reads )
这板上还有拿米国护照的。 douknnowme   (14 bytes , 23reads )
骂是因为给自己的国民带来不便 一米阳光   (24 bytes , 9reads )
就喜欢你这种拎得清的 funny189   (6 bytes , 22reads )
对啊 twinsbao   (225 bytes , 15reads )
打了moh电话 华新小号163   (159 bytes , 15reads )
打了 KK灰   (103 bytes , 24reads )
我这边目前也只是帮我申请上去了 华新小号163   (93 bytes , 9reads )
你是政府商务旅行还是公司委派性质的出行 pipi02   (80 bytes , 13reads )
几乎可以算人道主义理由了吧 华新小号163   (34 bytes , 12reads )
那好吧 pipi02   (24 bytes , 13reads )
你确定吗? miroknight   (72 bytes , 31reads )
为什么检测冠病一定要通过或者告知MOH呢? 流浪的吉吉   (132 bytes , 28reads )
测试不是在诊所做的 阿拉玛   (77 bytes , 17reads )
真替那些买了28号以后机票回国的人担心 流浪的吉吉   (158 bytes , 12reads )
朋友31号的新航飞机 pipi02   (79 bytes , 21reads )
已经问过诊所了 miroknight   (57 bytes , 17reads )
我是上午打的 华新小号163   (181 bytes , 7reads )
我也刚刚才打的MOH 热线电话 黄青青   (14 bytes , 29reads )
他有问你为什么回国吗 华新小号163   (98 bytes , 12reads )
twinsbao   (57 bytes , 12reads )
昨天刚买下个月回国机票 lavenderrui   (112 bytes , 28reads )
回去成本又增加了200刀 pipi02   (16 bytes , 21reads )
竟然拿了报告还要去大使馆申领什么健康码,5天能够? HX3000   (46 bytes , 17reads )
大使馆门口要排长队了 一米阳光   (30 bytes , 10reads )
白痴一样的政策,都没有和新加坡这边协商好 HX3000   (205 bytes , 19reads )
觉得大使馆和MOH没有沟通好 miroknight   (85 bytes , 24reads )
大家别喷, tiantang   (119 bytes , 20reads )
这个flu go where的信息 KK灰   (189 bytes , 20reads )
这个连接的内容到底是什么? pipi02   (0 bytes , 19reads )
是吗 你贴的链接又不是公告 哪里写了呢 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 24reads )
需要直接去诊所或医院 榴莲君   (64 bytes , 26reads )
两个网址供大家参考 Ex2   (169 bytes , 43reads )
很抱歉各位 Ex2   (200 bytes , 20reads )
请附赠结论嘛 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 12reads )
结论是针对快速通道的 pipi02   (68 bytes , 20reads )
说喉咙不舒服 Freki   (29 bytes , 23reads )
你这么说的话,连测结果阴阳都无所谓了,不会让上飞机的。 douknnowme   (0 bytes , 13reads )
喉咙疼,医生应该可以判断吧 pipi02   (38 bytes , 23reads )
这要求真奇葩了 KK灰   (87 bytes , 29reads )
遍了理由 pipi02   (13 bytes , 11reads )
非要搞成这样吗 KK灰   (36 bytes , 28reads )
酷航飞天津的 lamanouyang   (49 bytes , 14reads )
把自己的国民挡住不让他们回家 Ex2   (10 bytes , 13reads )
12个又怎么了,自己公民还不能回国? HX3000   (122 bytes , 13reads )
个人想法 miroknight   (232 bytes , 18reads )
客工兄弟们的确可怜 bluecutie   (88 bytes , 9reads )
到目前还没有报道在飞机上感染的案例 pipi02   (0 bytes , 12reads )
非常同意你,工友应当联名写信给大使馆要求包机。 ImHResIDE   (0 bytes , 11reads )
盼星星盼月亮,建筑业的工友总算买上票,这下又完了。 ImHResIDE   (0 bytes , 9reads )
让人自己去找医院测 hehei2r   (53 bytes , 17reads )
新加坡的医院 pipi02   (20 bytes , 20reads )