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Japan ATM scam using fraudulent cards nets $12.7m
Published23 May 2016
Man stands in front of a Japanese ATM, holding a Shinsei bank card, as a member of bank staff looks on
image captionMany Japanese bank machines neither accept foreign cards nor operate around the clock
Cash worth 1.4bn yen ($13m; £8.8m) has been taken from cash machines in Japan using credit cards created with data stolen from a South African bank.

The money was withdrawn in less than three hours from 14,000 convenience store cash machines across Japan, the Kyodo news agency reports.

The withdrawals targeted 7-Eleven cash machines, which unlike most in Japan accept foreign cards.

South Africa's Standard Bank estimated its total losses at $19.25m.

Police suspect more than 100 people were involved across Japan, Kyodo said, putting the date of the incident as 15 May.

The maximum amount of 100,000 yen ($913; £629) was withdrawn in each of 14,000 transactions, said the agency, citing "investigative sources".

Exterior of a Japanese 7-Eleven, with three adults and three children walking in front of it
image captionThe theft is alleged to have happened at 7-Eleven stores in 16 prefectures
Standard Bank described the heist as "a sophisticated, co-ordinated fraud incident" involving what it said was a "small number" of fake cards from account data belonging to it.

But it said customers had not suffered any losses themselves.

"Standard Bank has taken swift action to contain the matter" it said in a statement.

Japanese police are now examining security camera footage to identify suspects, and both countries are working with world police body Interpol to investigate how the data was stolen and how the heist was co-ordinated.

So far, no-one is reported to have been arrested in connection with the incident.

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BOC信用卡被盗取现金9000块,银行说不管@南洋暴雪 720p   (358 bytes , 6844reads )
报警肯定是要的 南洋暴雪   (226 bytes , 22reads )
cash withdraw 和盗刷不一样 lioncity_sg   (143 bytes , 18reads )
其实信用卡的盗刷风险始终存在的 滚雪球   (844 bytes , 26reads )
破解方法很简单 rjm   (208 bytes , 42reads )
很难完全不给别人的 滚雪球   (12 bytes , 26reads )
有些时候就不能两全了 rjm   (86 bytes , 23reads )
补充一点 rjm   (96 bytes , 21reads )
我的就被盗刷过,UOB 一通电话就解决。 田町   (325 bytes , 28reads )
lz连提现和盗刷都搞不清楚 吴越浪子   (30 bytes , 19reads )
再看 小土   (10 bytes , 21reads )
第一 小土   (89 bytes , 24reads )
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盗刷和取现是两回事呀 rjm   (68 bytes , 17reads )
基本上 Freki   (98 bytes , 19reads )
盗刷和提现是有很大分别的 大叔一名   (165 bytes , 25reads )
就我个人的印象,这个确实得看银行 红色彗星   (587 bytes , 15reads )
楼主你这是被提现了,和盗刷不是一个概念 业余打酱油   (86 bytes , 17reads )
为什么要先报警呢? shearwater   (278 bytes , 22reads )
我的也一样 天涯在何方   (118 bytes , 38reads )
大哥,如果你怕出车祸就别坐车 蓝旗营   (88 bytes , 23reads )
我经历过,新卡还没激活,一直留在书桌柜子里到我都忘记了有张卡 kellieyanlei   (125 bytes , 22reads )
楼主生气可以理解 echo77   (605 bytes , 19reads )
.... 坡县JPM王子   (93 bytes , 25reads )
懂王 pickit4   (0 bytes , 16reads )
过分了吧 mirage   (22 bytes , 20reads )
楼主好惨 okamotoliiiiii   (20 bytes , 14reads )
同时进行 IDPopcorn   (88 bytes , 24reads )
报了警,然后银行才能协助调查 IDPopcorn   (0 bytes , 24reads )
正确! echo77   (0 bytes , 18reads )
一会就去 720p   (156 bytes , 44reads )
信用卡账单上会有一点描述性的语言 mirage   (214 bytes , 21reads )
银行没说不管啊 yayayayayaya   (122 bytes , 18reads )
我打算今天去报警 720p   (154 bytes , 23reads )
我要报警没错 720p   (179 bytes , 27reads )
平心静气讨论问题 yayayayayaya   (429 bytes , 22reads )
我的语气有问题,我道歉 720p   (58 bytes , 29reads )
其实本人很反感 gobackC   (933 bytes , 20reads )
这里是问题的细节: 720p   (1157 bytes , 26reads )
有点奇怪,感觉根据你的描述,不像是信用卡提现的9000块吧 gobackC   (707 bytes , 61reads )
信用卡账单确实只有cash fast advance 720p   (56 bytes , 39reads )
这个故事告诉我们 gobackC   (58 bytes , 16reads )
这个9000是一个交易还是多个交易呢 大叔一名   (25 bytes , 14reads )
九千人民币是可以的 医药法规   (8 bytes , 18reads )
简单,赌川普赢压了9千 shaokunlun   (25 bytes , 19reads )
我也觉得应该要查到哪个ATM取钱什么的 但是BOC有ATM么? 三叶草青青   (190 bytes , 15reads )
BOC可以在ATM5 标志的银行提款机 熊维妮   (82 bytes , 16reads )
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如果你的账单 gobackC   (175 bytes , 23reads )
这种取现金盗刷需要密码 chocobo   (58 bytes , 30reads )
信用卡取现,这个比较诡异啊 医药法规   (54 bytes , 21reads )
你的卡丢了吗? 一米阳光   (0 bytes , 18reads )
信用卡的transaction 一米阳光   (69 bytes , 33reads )
我的卡没丢,我怀疑只能是在线盗取现金 720p   (89 bytes , 18reads )
在第三国取的么? tiago   (36 bytes , 28reads )
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