Kindly be informed that in order to trigger ATU from carpark exit / ERP gantry, it will require to meet the following conditions:
1. Carpark exit must be full EPS and ATU enabled by LTA, not all carparks are. You can tell it is EPS when you enter the carpark, there will be a signage.
2. Flashpay card must be in your car IU.
3. There is no ATU triggered within the past 3 days
4. When the card balance is insufficient for the transaction that you are attempting to pay for.
一般来说,2和4肯定满足的。我遇到的应该是第一点,那个carpark可能没有AUT enabled。关于第三点,大部分人应该不会遇到,但是6楼朋友说的情况可能就正好遇到。解决办法是不要每次只充20,可以充多点。