所在版块:型男靓女 发贴时间:2004-02-14 17:26  评分:

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有做个美容或SPA的人都应该知道精华油的用途。我有两种,Rosemary(6ml, original price $15.50) 和 Lavender(6ml, original price $13.90),还有一瓶Grapeseed oil(70ml, original price $11.50).

Rosemary (迷迭香) has a strong, fresh, minty-herbaceous scent which is penetrating and mentally stimulates the user which useful in getting rid of that Monday morning feeling. It also stimulates physically particularly when used in a hair rinse where it countrols greasy hair and a number of scalp disorders. 可助减肥及排毒,改善记忆力。

Lavender (薰衣草) the best known essential oil, the most versatle and the most ussed of all the oils. Has a clean, fresh, floral fragrance which is calming and balancing. Can be used as a room fragrance, on pillows at night or in a warm bath after a fraught day. 助松弛,改善情绪低落,治失眠。

Grapeseek oil(葡萄籽油): a light and odourless base oil suitable for massage of oily or delicate skin, ideal for blending with other base oils or essential oils to create your own massage oil. can be used on all skin types in safely, especially beneficial for oily skin, contains vitamin E.

现在三瓶共售$15. 有意者请email: zlijin2002@yahoo.com.