are you stressed recently? not enough sleep?
所在版块:型男靓女 发贴时间:2004-11-25 15:59  评分:

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sigh, only after i came to singapore, i started to have acne problems on my skin. I guess singapore's tropical weather contributes to my acne outbreaks.
From my observations, if it's adult acnes it takes v. long to heal completely, more or less it will leave scars and u have to wait patiently for it to go away. the advice is not to squeeze on your own, you may want to go to beauty salons for facial, they can actually help you remove the pus and clear the bacteria around the acnes. As for acne creams, some of the recommendations: neutrogena on-the-spot treatment, nixoderm (pharmacy), acid acne(pharmacy) etc. You can go to guardian and ask for some advice, i feel pharmacy products are better than commercial products. Hope this helps. don't forget to drink plenty of water.

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