coz your body didn't change
所在版块:型男靓女 发贴时间:2004-12-13 16:37

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skin is considered an organ of human, if you are not healthy, it gets affected and develop some problems. Try some ways of detoxification and restoration of healthy life style is more important.

Perfect Yourself First! Perfect Myself First!
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昨天第一次用可采的面膜,觉得真不错~~ 沈喑   (409 bytes , 1296reads )
偶用了一盒。。 过眼云烟   (240 bytes , 259reads )
coz your body didn't change fool   (194 bytes , 182reads )
我做面膜是凭高兴、再者看有没有时间 沈喑   (252 bytes , 258reads )
现在他家的眼贴膜在促销 南岳之麓   (44 bytes , 225reads )
偶过敏, 用了以后很难受。。。 watercooler   (55 bytes , 217reads )
M2,不过多用几次后就适应了,效果还是有的. KittyDog   (67 bytes , 201reads )
同感,非常受不了 zizi   (34 bytes , 165reads )
举报一下:ginza的watson里卖的可采是过期的或马上过期的!!!!!! 落花人独立   (82 bytes , 213reads )
我之前用过olay的美白面膜,也是很舒服 罪罪   (198 bytes , 314reads )
楼下诸位,一起回乐 沈喑   (843 bytes , 329reads )
偶也觉得好啊 神勇猪小弟   (141 bytes , 326reads )
我一直不敢用。。。它上面写的那8个“癍黄黑。。”太恐怖了 >_< 南瓜   (0 bytes , 164reads )
回国的时候哪里能买到啊?这里太贵了。 Irene   (109 bytes , 296reads )
可采在国内的药房好像也有哦 仰首望飞鸿   (26 bytes , 182reads )
国内大一点的超市都有啦~百货店也会有的 ursualr   (39 bytes , 179reads )
还有一事不明 Irene   (146 bytes , 291reads )
人哪!咋都这样涅? HyperSG   (89 bytes , 337reads )
???偶回了压。 Irene   (0 bytes , 148reads )