所在版块:型男靓女 发贴时间:2005-04-20 11:12  评分:

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还有新出了一种有whitening effect的粉饼,比double perfect贵$2。机场里有卖么?
I am using the Chanel whitening effect的粉饼. I feel it is good. Seems it is S recommended. But I am not so sure whether what I am using now is the new product. I bought it from Chanel counter half year ago. At that time it is the new product. Counter price is S$74. I guess you can find it in the Airport Shop. If there is, should be cheaper than counter in mall. Around 5-10% cheaper bah...

Should be full colour. But sometimes without tester. I feel that the BA in airport is not very professional. Better you do the market research first, then just directly buy from the airport. Cheaper... same product...


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机场免税机场里面有没有卖chanel double perfect的粉饼的? yz   (114 bytes , 519reads )
==> 蓝色月亮   (720 bytes , 298reads )
对,对,就是这个。可是,机场里只有5-10%的off吗? yz   (140 bytes , 271reads )
It is up to the Brand... 蓝色月亮   (163 bytes , 199reads )
应该说是up to 20%吧,有些未必哦 babepinky   (0 bytes , 184reads )