For my case
所在版块:型男靓女 发贴时间:2006-03-06 21:39  评分:

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For face I have the so-called "Perfect the Past" package, they call it DDP, use a equipment to help erase the pimple scar and make the face more radiant. Other than that, they also use another equipment which I don't know the name to help absorb the serum applied. For eye, they use the ultrasonic equipment to help the fine lines and dark circles.

I think it depends on the package, whether use the equipment or not. For my DDP, it is quite expensive, $180/treatment, for about 75min. For eye, it is $45/treatment for about 30min. However, for the eys package, if you sign for 20 times, you will get extra 7 times free.

Basically I am quite satisfied with Haach.

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