所在版块:型男靓女 发贴时间:2006-03-09 00:19

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求:面试打扮 simomo   (22 bytes , 1974reads )
一点点感受:长袖衬衣最好配西装裙,除非你把衬衣扎在长裤里 南瓜   (0 bytes , 296reads )
哇~!都知道我是女的 simomo   (24 bytes , 297reads )
safest: dark suit + long pants, while shirt. tie up hair if it is long simon   (12 bytes , 302reads )
记得要保持微笑 花心大哥   (18 bytes , 306reads )
如果想又正式又要给面试官留下特别的印象。。。 funnybunny   (105 bytes , 620reads )
这个好!改天我也配来试试看 南瓜   (30 bytes , 273reads )
男的可以吗? ropin   (0 bytes , 242reads )
do wear suit if you are going for bank interviews ropin   (0 bytes , 241reads )
u must be brelliant in suit 羊肉泡馍   (0 bytes , 317reads )
well that is nothing compared to your blue blood London accent ropin   (0 bytes , 215reads )
shirt+long pants is good enuf.. 西风雅雅   (0 bytes , 226reads )
color wise..brown,black 4 bottom,beige,grey,white,light pink/blue all can... 西风雅雅   (46 bytes , 285reads )
还要联系实际,看工作性质如何 materialist   (177 bytes , 415reads )
记得我穿过 小土   (204 bytes , 518reads )
我印象里面就是小黑西服配黑短裙,白衬衣(一点点lace),丝袜,黑皮鞋.. 鱼片粥   (137 bytes , 906reads )
个人觉得这样的打扮最帅了 树袋猪   (24 bytes , 337reads )
太正式啦吓死别人了。。。 frpapaya   (0 bytes , 283reads )
不过这样显得很普通 funnybunny   (0 bytes , 373reads )
...至少膝盖以上吧...不然显得腿短... 鱼片粥   (88 bytes , 374reads )
跟渔夫的贴 鱼片粥   (0 bytes , 210reads )
黑短裙是多短? 江南渔夫   (0 bytes , 269reads )
想象一下,很漂亮的样子啊~ 小土   (36 bytes , 317reads )
Better to overdress than underdress, heheh atavistic   (0 bytes , 272reads )
color not too bright, not too dull either... 晖兰   (170 bytes , 404reads )
别太花哨, 别太幼齿 江南渔夫   (116 bytes , 427reads )