所在版块:型男靓女 发贴时间:2010-03-31 15:25

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[活动] 美甲日记 - 指甲油试色大全 ada_ada   (1944 bytes , 13546reads )
------裸色系------------ ada_ada   (39 bytes , 1221reads )
OPI E41 Barefoot In Barcelona Hanna   (154 bytes , 1015reads )
OPI P62 Malaysian Mist Hanna   (45 bytes , 991reads )
OPI P62 Malaysian mist马来群岛薄雾(淘宝翻译) 小叶女贞   (317 bytes , 1196reads )
Seche French Manicure Set 草莓果乐   (201 bytes , 1019reads )
L.A.GIRLS #NL126 "Backstage" (能算裸色吧…) Hanna   (131 bytes , 973reads )
L.A.GIRLS #NL310 "Cotton Candy" Hanna   (105 bytes , 862reads )
渐变,有一个插队的粉色。 sandfish   (45 bytes , 1125reads )
应要求上Bourjois Vernis a Ongles Nail Enamel No: 1 汤圆花生汤   (300 bytes , 1223reads )
看起来很像coffee break或者F16的 健康快乐   (97 bytes , 702reads )
OPI Coney island cotton candy 玉色? 卡西法   (67 bytes , 1628reads )
anna sui 334 小然然   (170 bytes , 1017reads )
OPI-A15 范少   (143 bytes , 1656reads )
OPI F16 Tickle My France + OPI C89 Choclate Moose + Orly Coffee Break Mango   (288 bytes , 2812reads )
------红色系------------ ada_ada   (20 bytes , 838reads )
OPI H61 Red lights ahead...where? lingbo   (145 bytes , 1201reads )
OPI H47 A Good Man-darin Is Hard to Find Hanna   (95 bytes , 682reads )
CHANEL 489 Rose Insolent ada_ada   (136 bytes , 966reads )
该选各个系主任了的说…… 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 424reads )
不准你再来勾引人~~~~我好喜欢的说 crabtree   (0 bytes , 515reads )
这个颜色好正啊!!! ssstory   (0 bytes , 495reads )
OPI B76 ON COLLINS AVE yukimura05   (250 bytes , 1661reads )
我要买!!! crabtree   (0 bytes , 461reads )
真好看^_^! 牧蝶人   (58 bytes , 497reads )
REVLON #721 "Raven Red" Hanna   (308 bytes , 1114reads )
好性感的颜色,好性感的手!   (79 bytes , 507reads )
手真美~~~ 很贵妇~~!! ada_ada   (0 bytes , 546reads )
OPI B78 Miami Beet 我的处女show啊~大家一定要支持! 草莓果乐   (239 bytes , 1566reads )
CG- RUDY PUMPS crabtree   (135 bytes , 825reads )
OPI- BIG APPLE RED + ALPINE SNOW 大晓   (58 bytes , 1353reads )
OPI SF20 Suede We'll Always Have Paris linda1113   (665 bytes , 942reads )
OPI A20 La Paz-itively Hot linda1113   (245 bytes , 1181reads )
差点被第一张晃瞎了眼orz EnyaLinn   (20 bytes , 530reads )
这个我有个matte的, 很俗艳的粉红,嘿嘿,不过我喜欢~~~ iss   (0 bytes , 533reads )
OPI E44 Pink Flamenco linda1113   (326 bytes , 1025reads )
我错了,这个色号是OPI E49 Manicurist Of Seville linda1113   (0 bytes , 1119reads )
OPI I45 MonSooner or Later 塑料玫瑰   (134 bytes , 1457reads )
R62 绝对胖手,慎入,看个颜色就好。。 emma   (45 bytes , 1094reads )
OPI N25 Big Apple Red °︷Miko﹏   (91 bytes , 1360reads )
OPI Red My Fortune Cookie (2010 HK spring series) 蓝莓儿   (130 bytes , 1103reads )
Orly-40634 red carpet akito   (1133 bytes , 1445reads )
OPI NL141 I'm India mood for love 塑料玫瑰   (71 bytes , 1081reads )
OPI I45 MonSooner or Later °︷Miko﹏   (171 bytes , 1327reads )
------橙色系------------ ada_ada   (20 bytes , 690reads )
OPI B65 Mord-en girl sunnysunnyrain   (834 bytes , 1526reads )
OPI B88 in my back pocket 塑料玫瑰   (248 bytes , 1105reads )
Fresh from oven. hoho 霹雳贝呗   (69 bytes , 857reads )
------黄色系------------ ada_ada   (20 bytes , 617reads )
ORLY- SPARK 大晓   (69 bytes , 772reads )
Orly Hook Up 水鸭子   (59 bytes , 891reads )
Orly Hook Up 水鸭子   (59 bytes , 600reads )
------绿色系------------ ada_ada   (20 bytes , 582reads )
OPI Greenwich Village sunnysunnyrain   (169 bytes , 622reads )
OPI- B92 Who the Shrek Are You? 小叶女贞   (187 bytes , 625reads )
阳光下看比图片浅一些,黄绿色的感觉,顺便赞一下技术,完全没出界 EchoXu   (0 bytes , 448reads )
OPI- H45 Jade Is The New Black ada_ada   (562 bytes , 3797reads )
被ada种草,也买了这色:OPI- H45 Jade Is The New Black kleos   (112 bytes , 993reads )
美! ben_ben   (0 bytes , 454reads )
好美的手呀,超嫉妒><~~ yukimura05   (65 bytes , 570reads )
这颜色真的很美的,我今天见人就推啊,MM要的话我借你试试先XD kleos   (0 bytes , 570reads )
------青色系------------ ada_ada   (20 bytes , 680reads )
CG-77053 For Audrey °︷Miko﹏   (111 bytes , 1069reads )
------蓝色系------------ ada_ada   (21 bytes , 632reads )
OPI B70 Dating A Royal 草莓果乐   (213 bytes , 1168reads )
OPI B90 -What's with the Cattitude? (a bit arrogant blue) crabtree   (83 bytes , 1006reads )
OPI B27 Dominant Jeans + OPI DS010 Sapphire linda1113   (471 bytes , 1013reads )
OPI B83 NO ROOM FOR THE BLUES °︷Miko﹏   (399 bytes , 1184reads )
OPI I47 YOGA-TA GET THIS BLUE 蓝莓儿   (95 bytes , 990reads )
------紫色系------------ ada_ada   (20 bytes , 591reads )
opi ds003 emma   (163 bytes , 944reads )
OPI W42 Lincoln Park After Dark Mango   (240 bytes , 1086reads )
OPI F21 EIFFEL FOR THIS COLOR 蓝莓儿   (169 bytes , 1039reads )
CG70689--Octa Gone Wild °︷Miko﹏   (249 bytes , 975reads )
ORLY-672 BON BON °︷Miko﹏   (279 bytes , 1107reads )
------白色系------------ ada_ada   (20 bytes , 560reads )
OPI H34 At First Sight linda1113   (607 bytes , 922reads )
------灰色系------------ ada_ada   (20 bytes , 605reads )
------银色系------------ ada_ada   (20 bytes , 600reads )
非主流的银色系,凑个热闹 OPI Z18 Lucerne-tainly Mango   (219 bytes , 601reads )
我也不知道这是银色还是不明色系:China Glaze Techno CG80409 akito   (557 bytes , 887reads )
------粉色系------------ ada_ada   (20 bytes , 746reads )
一点也不sweet的sweet heart (OPI S96) Mango   (371 bytes , 1418reads )
Essie 707 Pop Art Pink 草莓果乐   (148 bytes , 858reads )
orly 48677 Je T'aime 奥特曼打小怪兽   (139 bytes , 1012reads )
这个我喜欢~~ crabtree   (0 bytes , 457reads )
orly 48667 pink lemonade 奥特曼打小怪兽   (89 bytes , 948reads )
怎么手可以保养得那么好~~ crabtree   (0 bytes , 482reads )
L.A.GIRLS #NL425 "Hyper" Hanna   (82 bytes , 741reads )
OPI Pink Flamenco Mango   (128 bytes , 926reads )
Orly 40728 Pixy Stix akito   (576 bytes , 2336reads )
好美啊,很草这个。美女在哪买的哈? 随风飘散   (0 bytes , 462reads )
好喜欢orly的水嫩感,我下次的list都是orly! sunnysunnyrain   (0 bytes , 626reads )
The Face Shop, Nail Pleasure PK101 南岳之麓   (266 bytes , 888reads )
汗一下,写错了一个字,是“粉色” 南岳之麓   (0 bytes , 559reads )
大家都用opi,偶都不好意思出来秀,偶也喜欢用韩国货…… 滕家的媛媛   (0 bytes , 548reads )
西瓜红的底色~~~~~不明色号,都是杂牌军。 sandfish   (202 bytes , 778reads )
OPI-PINK OF HERTS 2 大晓   (73 bytes , 841reads )
OPI R46+I42 大晓   (78 bytes , 1043reads )
OPI DS008 chiffon做的法式 卡西法   (45 bytes , 996reads )
好美,好梦幻~ 口水ing~ yukimura05   (0 bytes , 551reads )
orly 40675 first kiss 奥特曼打小怪兽   (556 bytes , 1341reads )
好看!这四个红/粉色我都很喜欢!涂的也漂亮,大赞!! 米小米   (0 bytes , 641reads )
OPI SRAL2 Pink of Heart Mango   (136 bytes , 967reads )
OPI R44 Princess's Rule! °︷Miko﹏   (239 bytes , 1106reads )
OPI-H20 HEARTS & TARTS yukimura05   (186 bytes , 1043reads )
Essie 641 TRUE LOVE 汤圆花生汤   (132 bytes , 1166reads )
M27 emma   (79 bytes , 792reads )
OPI I42 elephantastic pink akito   (428 bytes , 2739reads )
OPI R46 got a date to-knight akito   (247 bytes , 3354reads )
CG 796 bad kitty 80389 akito   (994 bytes , 1292reads )
orly-42005 bare rose akito   (377 bytes , 4955reads )
我也来个Bare Rose Mango   (149 bytes , 938reads )
orly-40673 butterflies akito   (1110 bytes , 2172reads )
Kate-PK21,偏光指甲油光线明暗对比 范少   (221 bytes , 826reads )
Maquillage-PK347,OPI-V08,OPI-DS008,OPI-V08 范少   (963 bytes , 1414reads )
补充说明,下日系指甲油和偏光 范少   (553 bytes , 704reads )
OPI DS008 chiffon QQmsn   (496 bytes , 1711reads )
这瓶很好看啊,我草了 米小米   (0 bytes , 585reads )
mini Bourjois 17号 akito   (1054 bytes , 1012reads )
OPI B68 That`s Hot! Pink °︷Miko﹏   (242 bytes , 1429reads )
------棕色系------------ ada_ada   (20 bytes , 525reads )
OPI Shim-Merry Chic Mango   (225 bytes , 596reads )
CG-拿到时色号就没了,于是忘记 大晓   (45 bytes , 651reads )
OPI DS012 design °︷Miko﹏   (138 bytes , 1148reads )
miko, 套用我老妈的话:你指甲油多的可以煲汤了。。你还有一瓶在我这里,别忘了。。。 crabtree   (64 bytes , 539reads )
我记得我记得吖~~只不过那个是拿回家送姐妹的。。所以不着急(*^__^*) 嘻嘻。。。 °︷Miko﹏   (46 bytes , 505reads )
ORLY Coffee Break °︷Miko﹏   (109 bytes , 1056reads )
------黑色系------------ ada_ada   (20 bytes , 552reads )
OPI B59 My Private Jet 卡西法   (107 bytes , 937reads )
------不明色系---------- ada_ada   (30 bytes , 652reads )
==============我是领水区============= ada_ada   (89 bytes , 570reads )
TX们来领花花啦!! 凡参与过的来这里跟帖,然后酌情打花花 ada_ada   (38 bytes , 540reads )
==============我是漏水区============= ada_ada   (58 bytes , 582reads )
版&#10048;娃娃果然是粉色控~~ °︷Miko﹏   (23 bytes , 592reads )
其实是,我觉得粉色的雷点比较低,如果boss或同僚盯着我的手看, akito   (73 bytes , 645reads )
娃娃基本上可以做粉色系的系主任了,嘿嘿 蓝莓儿   (0 bytes , 571reads )
双手双脚支持吖~~娃娃是粉红公主哈哈哈。。。 °︷Miko﹏   (0 bytes , 486reads )
LX两位美女没有仔细看主贴呀~ yukimura05   (88 bytes , 539reads )
囧,我没开主贴直接写的,哈哈:) 高岗   (71 bytes , 469reads )
裸色涅? Mango   (0 bytes , 603reads )
裸色要加、 ada_ada   (0 bytes , 463reads )
mua~~mua~~ yuki mm 看帖好仔细~~ ada_ada   (0 bytes , 587reads )
你都有个不明色系了,包罗万象了 高岗   (60 bytes , 473reads )
coat, 护甲,花样美甲,我希望下次专门开个这样的活动。这个就专门试色吧 ada_ada   (78 bytes , 727reads )
可以整个法式系出来吗? Mango   (22 bytes , 532reads )
==============我是灌水区============= ada_ada   (20 bytes , 656reads )
这楼好高啊!。。。 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 456reads )
JM们如果想交换甲油,不妨到这来试试色,大家可以参考参考的呀 健康快乐   (0 bytes , 571reads )
大家加油!!! 新的指甲油团到了,大家加油试色,贴图图,木哈哈哈 ada_ada   (0 bytes , 547reads )
过来再次惊叹miko美女的贵妃美爪~~~~ akito   (56 bytes , 578reads )
不是俺灌水呀,是那网络。。。 akito   (0 bytes , 495reads )
这个就是灌水区呀。。哈哈 塑料玫瑰   (0 bytes , 554reads )
过来再次惊叹miko美女的贵妃美爪~~~~ akito   (56 bytes , 549reads )
哈哈,我一个人的都认不出来。。。好姐妹们,需要加强了解呀 T_T Kula   (0 bytes , 515reads )
同学们,我的chocolatemuse好红啊。。。 emma   (86 bytes , 674reads )
上次试着涂了一层,很喜欢,刚刚跟草莓mm的团买了,在等,嘻嘻 QQmsn   (38 bytes , 555reads )
我涂是这样@@ yukimura05   (196 bytes , 674reads )
恩,很显白,而且有气质。不出错的颜色啊。 emma   (0 bytes , 515reads )
PS 大家show的裸色系甲油看起来都好美味(喂),长草鸟~ yukimura05   (0 bytes , 611reads )
又比了下,我的c89和coffeebreak完全不像啊 emma   (0 bytes , 558reads )
哈哈,Miko mm 的OPI I45 好漂亮, B68那双脚也很美~~ ada_ada   (54 bytes , 726reads )
同赞,我好喜欢,下次要买来:) 蓝莓儿   (0 bytes , 492reads )
同赞I45真好看~~ 范少   (0 bytes , 497reads )
nodnod,衬的手好白好嫩呀 QQmsn   (0 bytes , 589reads )
我的脚趾甲都是剪到最短不能再短为止= =||| °︷Miko﹏   (78 bytes , 611reads )
miko,你的小嫩爪还真的是女人呢但是我的monsooner or later crabtree   (32 bytes , 530reads )
哈哈哈~~是小肥爪的说。。。 °︷Miko﹏   (244 bytes , 517reads )
集体搬家(我把楼上的水水贴都搬这里了) ada_ada   (42 bytes , 498reads )
miko的手特女人 - emma 2010-03-31 19:43 ada_ada   (128 bytes , 621reads )
“软软的,细细的,又肉肉的~~”哈哈。。。我要飘起来鸟~~~~~~~~~~ °︷Miko﹏   (60 bytes , 611reads )
为啥照片上看起来有点偏粉呢 @@? - yukimura05 2010-03-31 20:03 ada_ada   (106 bytes , 612reads )
我还特地跟我的粉色包包和橘色镜子对比了一下捏~~ °︷Miko﹏   (143 bytes , 509reads )
看修长的手就知道是个高个子呀 - 高岗 2010-03-31 ada_ada   (59 bytes , 628reads )
高团长,答对了,不仅高,人又瘦,长得又很美。最主要的是还很可爱:) crabtree   (0 bytes , 533reads )
啊呀呀。。。美团要是再夸我我就要“飞”起来鸟。。。 °︷Miko﹏   (128 bytes , 498reads )
BON BON,我总有一天要把你收到后宫滴 - 高岗 2010-03-31 20:06 ada_ada   (64 bytes , 629reads )
BON BON刚刚收了,还没来得及宠幸呢,等下次团的时候就冲for audrey了 健康快乐   (0 bytes , 539reads )
一定要收的~!!喜版主推荐的不错!! °︷Miko﹏   (54 bytes , 492reads )
同赞bon bon和for audrey,谢谢喜版!(鞠躬 武汉伢   (0 bytes , 507reads )
吼吼,看到后面的题目了,我怎么总是不看重点涅 - 高岗  ada_ada   (59 bytes , 569reads )
我看着好像F16有点偏红了。那个,版ada,这区能跟帖吗? - 高岗  ada_ada   (157 bytes , 550reads )
哈哈,对了,主贴里那个图片是自己的哦~~ 不是网络图片 ada_ada   (56 bytes , 566reads )
我猜我猜我猜猜猜~~~~ - yukimura05 (搬家) ada_ada   (38 bytes , 615reads )
555老公一眼就认出我的了 武汉伢   (34 bytes , 563reads )
红色是我。。。R55 :D mei_mei   (0 bytes , 635reads )
高团长,评论 灌水 这里这里 ada_ada   (85 bytes , 462reads )
华新有自己删帖修改的功能就好了,方便很多 高岗   (0 bytes , 591reads )
我觉得,关于偏色的评论还是可以跟在那边滴,方便大家功课么 武汉伢   (34 bytes , 576reads )
囧,没看到这句,我把评论全搬下来了 ada_ada   (0 bytes , 431reads )
辛苦了~ yukimura05   (22 bytes , 520reads )
不辛苦不辛苦,果然搬下来,大家跟帖回帖聊天灌水, 顺畅多了~~ 哇哈哈哈 ada_ada   (0 bytes , 481reads )
厄,我看好久没政策,大家都开始评了,我也就跟着放肆鸟 高岗   (24 bytes , 495reads )
来灌水 围观系主任 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 545reads )
我 已 经 涂 不 动 指 甲 油 了 高岗   (103 bytes , 550reads )
哈哈,不是有不掉的么,做饭什么的最伤皮肤了,讨厌! Kula   (0 bytes , 485reads )
今天刚拿到甲油,回去试,可惜老公这星期回国了,么人给我拍 健康快乐   (0 bytes , 541reads )
赤果果的xyt呀,你的那几瓶都是很美貌的颜色哦,加上美手啧啧(刚才我tk美手了)~~~ 星星雨   (0 bytes , 629reads )
也号召大家注明一下拍照时的光照条件 南岳之麓   (138 bytes , 573reads )
你已经注意到摄影的一大事项了 :) Kula   (0 bytes , 478reads )
我的基本都是在灯光下。。。看书看到无聊的时候拍的。。。 °︷Miko﹏   (0 bytes , 619reads )
此楼有一定高度时斑竹可以任命每个系的系主任,哈哈 Mango   (102 bytes , 551reads )
顶看大门的哈哈哈哈。。。。 °︷Miko﹏   (0 bytes , 491reads )