Lunasol 2010春季眼影 2小时 special buys @ Taka
所在版块:型男靓女 发贴时间:2010-05-24 16:25  评分:

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Enjoy 10% OFF with your Takashimaya Card from May 27th to 30th (Thursday to Sunday) at Takashimaya Department Store. Kanebo is also offering Additional 10% discount off on all regular items !  
Kanebo is having a 2 hour special buy from 10am to 12noon on Thursday 27th May. Purchase any Lunasol Spring 2010 Collection or Sheer Contrast eyes AND Shining Eyes EX04 at S$122 and receive a FREE Coffret D’or Palette Valued at S$54 (Chose selected shades from SA Eyes, TD Eyes and 3D Lighting Eyes). 
What’s more, this special buy is applicable for Takashimaya Cardholder further 10% OFF ! So its only S$109.80 !

Sheer Contrast eye: lunasol 珊瑚系列
Shining Eyes: 之前出的那套眼蜜<br>
SA eyes :咖啡豆囧盘 
TD EYES: 咖啡豆第二代 (斜的那个盘子) 
3D lighting eyes: 咖啡豆第一代( 就是有经典咖啡豆5号大地色的那一个系列) 



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Lunasol 2010春季眼影 2小时 special buys @ Taka ada_ada   (879 bytes , 1385reads )
anyone will go? if i arrive 11:30, still have stock? 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 291reads )
应该有的,现在色号还很全 小妖霖霖   (39 bytes , 309reads )
LUNASOL绝景和咖啡豆的色号都很全吗? 米小米   (28 bytes , 395reads )
我是叫人帮忙带的,她打电话来问我选什么。貌似很全的样子~~(感谢kennyMM) 小妖霖霖   (69 bytes , 277reads )
是10点到12点的special buy, 应该是限时不限量的 ada_ada   (41 bytes , 241reads )
zzz[試色] LUNASOL 2010 春妝『極美 絕景淨化』 nakoru   (67 bytes , 473reads )
我倒是有时间去,可是没有卡。5555 cuier   (99 bytes , 279reads )
召唤好心又有卡的mm帮我带,我有卡,但是去不了:( lemon_t   (0 bytes , 212reads )
今年春季的绝景系列有人用过了吗?咋样?哪个颜色推荐? 米小米   (0 bytes , 240reads )
我有绝景04。斗胆放张真眼上来~ Hanna   (178 bytes , 796reads )
mm眼型真是美啊美啊 雪莉bb   (16 bytes , 248reads )
眼睛好美啊~~ babepinky   (0 bytes , 261reads )
太美了,04好像坡里最受欢迎的一盘,话说我现在对summer blue好有爱>< 武汉伢   (0 bytes , 257reads )
蓝和紫经常都是我的雷,所以summer blue我完全无草。。 Hanna   (0 bytes , 255reads )
哇,好美~~ 小妖霖霖   (0 bytes , 236reads )
哇塞,美的!!! ada_ada   (0 bytes , 208reads )
mm眼睛好美啊~~!!想要!! Elsa   (0 bytes , 219reads )
我来加个图片。 kenny0001   (45 bytes , 512reads )
这样算下来,春季这个新眼影盘是多少钱呢? Hanna   (0 bytes , 247reads )
哇~我也mark,这个好...可惜去不了……有可以帮买的吗…… 小妖霖霖   (0 bytes , 225reads )
mark! 范少   (0 bytes , 254reads )