我做的叫 Jessner Peel
所在版块:型男靓女 发贴时间:2017-02-04 11:18

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A Jessner peel is a popular medium-depth chemical peel that works to improve skin health by helping remove and heal skin damage that is more extensive than regular “wear and tear.” This skin care treatment is stronger than most superficial chemical peels, and therefore creates more temporary damage to the skin in the process.The Jessner peel consists of three main ingredients: lactic acid (assists in the exfoliation of the skin), salicylic acid (aids in penetration), and resorcinol (assists in the treatment of acne).
链接: http://www.thedermreview.com/jessner-peel/

Jessner Peel 混合了乳酸、水杨酸和间苯二酚。前面两个酸是剥皮的,最后一个是祛痘成分。这个比单纯的果酸 glycolic peel 更深层。果酸主要剥最表层。深层peel 更容易有色素沉淀的风险,但是效果肯定比表层peel的效果好。

chemical peel 是个统称,酸的种类和浓度都有可能不一样,之后的效果也不一样。我提前跟医生打听好给你用的是什么~~

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