A question about Genes&society!!!
所在版块:求学狮城 发贴时间:2003-02-21 01:49

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
<Disease H is a form of heritable eye cancer, resulting from the loss of functions for both alleles of gene H in chromosome X. One of the most commonly found mutations for the gene H is identified in Exon 5 of the gene, the coding sequence of which is given below:

5’ .. AAA GCG ACG GAT GAG AAG….3’ to


Mary suffers from this disorder but her mother and her younger brother are both perfectly free of the disease.

What is the mode of inheritance for the disease in Mary?

A. Autosomal, dominant
B. Autosomal, recessive
C. Sex-linked, recessive
D. Sex-linked, dominant
E. Not enough information on whether it is dominant or recessive>

I don't know the answer is C. Who can tell me? If it is recessive, the mother should be a carrier. But it said that she is perfectly free of the disease.
Thanks a lot!!!

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A question about Genes&society!!! wobufu   (853 bytes , 437reads )
some points MuHaha   (538 bytes , 251reads )
"perfectly free" here means no symptom. 蹦蹦蹦   (88 bytes , 188reads )
en, genotype X(H)X(h), phenotype is normal because MuHaha   (50 bytes , 254reads )