EE2001 Project (Analog & Digital Systems Design) 4MC, Lab: 3h, Pre-req: EE2005 and EE2006 , Co-req: none, CA
Modern electronic systems comprise a complex mixture of both analogue and digital sub-systems that are realised using either hardware or software. In teams, students will design such a system according to specifications provided. Apart from gaining hands-on experience of applying design methods taught in other modules, students will learn how to partition a system into various analogue and digital sub-systems, specify the interface between sub-systems, make design decisions concerning sub-system realisation, perform tests to check compliance with specifications, and document the design process.
EE3001 Project (Technology Assessment) 3MC, Lab: 3h, Co-req: EE2001, CA
This module exposes students to real-life engineering challenges, which have a mix of engineering technology and business. This course provides ample opportunity to students to handle real-life-engineering problems starting from product/service specification phase to commercialization phase. Since each phase, starting from product/service specification to marketability, demands careful planning, the students will learn engineering methods of developing a product and ways of commercializing them. Students are required to participate in a group project to study the application and commercialization of engineering technology.