Minor in Technopreneurship
所在版块:求学狮城 发贴时间:2003-12-24 08:42

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请问你对Minor in Technopreneurship有什么看法?
我算了一下,一个minor需要24MCs, and we can use 12 MCs from unrestricted elective modules, and 8 MCs from breadth modules, so we only need to earn another 4 MCs, i.e. another module.所以,我想take 一个minor. ^_^ (Am i right?)
个人觉得这个minor 挺好,不知道真实如何?哪位有经验的senior介绍一下好吗?多谢!!!
它难学吗?与minor in business, and minor in economics相比,哪个更好呢?

Wherever you go, go with all your heart!
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Minor in Technopreneurship Ice   (438 bytes , 482reads )
好像你要拿Minor就不能算UE 孤剑走天涯   (97 bytes , 193reads )
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