所在版块:求学狮城 发贴时间:2004-02-05 13:22

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The Consumption by PRC Scholars in Singapore

Gender: M / F
Programme: SM1 / SM2 / SM3

1. How much do you spend per month?

A. S$100-200 B. S$ 200-300
C. S$300-400 D. S$ 400-500
E. More than S$500
2. Which statement best describes your opinion of the maintenance allowance MOE gives you?
A. I am discontent with the amount.
B. The amount is just acceptable.
C. I am satisfied with the amount.
3. On which of the following do you spend most money?
A. Food B. Drink C. Clothes D. Stationery E. Transport
F. Entertainment G. Others: ___________________
4. Is your expenditure the same, compared with that in China?
A. It has increased.
B. It hasn’t changed at all.
C. It has decreased.
5. What do you think of your skill in managing your money?
A. I am poor at it.
B. I am good at it.
C. I have no idea.
6. When do you usually go shopping?
A. Anytime I am free B. Workdays C. Weekends & Holidays
7. Where do you usually go shopping?
A. Downtown B. The nearest shopping mall
C. The shopping mall which offers the lowest price
8. Do you feel it easy to find what you want to buy in Singapore?
A. It is easy to find them.
B. It is neither easy nor difficult to find them.
C. It is difficult to find them.
9. If there is something you are very eager to have, but it is very expensive, what will you do?
A. I will buy it no matter how much it is.
B. I will think about it and then make a decision.
C. I won’t buy it.
10. Have you made any major purchase after arriving in Singapore? If you have, what is it/are they?


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