Some additional/clarification
所在版块:求学狮城 发贴时间:2004-06-29 10:14

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Please ask specific questions after going through the site. General question like this will not get useful answers.


Based on my personal experience, I suggest going through GCE 'A' level mathematics (in English of course). That helps you a lot in adapting to the terminologies and the ways of scienticfic expressions in English.

If you are interested, you may go through A-level physics, chemistry, etc. too. I found it quite fun to go through subjects that I had learnt before, but in a different language, different style, and different structure.


In your first year, CS/IS doesn't differ much. Just go for common essentials first. When looking for electives, you may try to be more selective, but that will most probably after your first semester, when you'll be familiar with the subjects more or less.


Study hard.

5)有没有听过那个"advanced placement test,是什么来的?

Advanced placement test for which subject? Are you referring to QET? If you can pass QET, you can basically skip some English language modules. No big deal.

Flying @way 吳穎暉
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