所在版块:求学狮城 发贴时间:2005-08-19 19:47  评分:

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When university transfers the $1,500 allownace to you, you can simultaneously get the so-called hostel subsidization of $1,040. So in fact you can have $2,540 that time. But you can not see all the money since the hostel fee, say $1,300 will be deducted through your GIRO. Hence, by simply calculation, you can get ......$1,240 in October...

You won't have any subsidization for hostel during holiday, that is, you only have that $1,040 per semester for your term stay. If you want to stay over holiday here, you must pay yourself the holiday stay fee. If you clear out everything, you won't need to pay a single cent. Normally, they pay several dollars to put their stuff in store room.

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:) 三三小姨的papa   (688 bytes , 253reads )
假期住房补贴照样发给你 noah   (62 bytes , 246reads )
We don't have hostel subsidization during holiday 三三小姨的papa   (175 bytes , 266reads )
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and the original one is $860 三三小姨的papa   (42 bytes , 252reads )