国大的 “土著优惠政策”
所在版块:求学狮城 发贴时间:2007-05-02 19:48  评分:

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Dear staff,

For your information, please. The email below will be sent to undergraduates separately.


Dear Students,

Local Incentive Top-up Scheme for Singaporean Ph.D. Research Scholars

With effect from August 2007, incoming Singaporean candidates will receive an additional top-up of $500 per month (or $6000 per year), payable from the time they register for their PhD candidature until the end of their research scholarship.

With this top-up scheme, a Singaporean Ph.D. candidate will receive a total scholarship comprising the following:

· Before passing Qualifying Exam = $2000 plus research fee subsidies

·After passing Qualifying Exam = $2,500 plus research fee subsidies

Please contact scidrgs@nus.edu.sg for more information.

X Tan

Science Dean's Office

For your info,
for research scholarship holder at the moment:

· Before passing Qualifying Exam = $1,500 plus research fee subsidies

·After passing Qualifying Exam = $2,000 plus research fee subsidies

当初就是看不惯马来西亚的土著优惠政策才到新加坡就读,想不到国大也开始实施这种政策了, sigh..

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国大的 “土著优惠政策” gimkeat   (1225 bytes , 1167reads )
很久以前我就问过SoC Madam Loo,她说没这事儿。 hula   (0 bytes , 281reads )
这个好象以前有过, 好象PR也有, 不过后来取消了. 西蜀霸王   (0 bytes , 260reads )
sigh...... EarlGrey   (0 bytes , 259reads )
很怀疑这个政策的正当性 hash   (266 bytes , 399reads )
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是为了吸引本地学生吧。否则新加坡国立大学的研究生就都是外国人了。 materialist   (0 bytes , 331reads )