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两个数学题 吴永铮   (803 bytes , 1632reads )
第一题 Freki   (126 bytes , 308reads )
哪里可以买到这本书 大树下   (143 bytes , 373reads )
讨论一下第二题 我行故我   (250 bytes , 622reads )
well, why angular velocity keeps the same after you release the ball? hash   (0 bytes , 343reads )
我行故我   (528 bytes , 637reads )
(Y) 椭圆轨道的思路很妙,这样就至少有三种思路了。 hash   (101 bytes , 415reads )
哈哈,很好啊 吴永铮   (188 bytes , 443reads )
这个网站有开普勒著作的注解: hash   (129 bytes , 449reads )
嗯嗯,有时间一定看看这个。 香陵居士   (134 bytes , 337reads )
2-body problem is always stable bah hash   (57 bytes , 334reads )
How to proof the stability of the system? 香陵居士   (207 bytes , 351reads )
Technically Inclined hahata   (0 bytes , 344reads )
第二题还是不清楚啊,是扔球时候的正下方,还是球落地时候的正下方? 香陵居士   (0 bytes , 301reads )
扔球时候的正下方 吴永铮   (232 bytes , 382reads )
第一题比书上的原题难得多,因为有些通路会在某一段掉头往回走。 hash   (273 bytes , 454reads )
你说的那个火柴棍,就连简化为一维后也很难。 吴永铮   (364 bytes , 564reads )
嗯,把那几篇文章找出来看了看,他们是用monte carlo来brute force hash   (0 bytes , 336reads )
我只是多画了几个桥,但解法和原题一样。你想复杂了 吴永铮   (0 bytes , 329reads )
书里给的答案算概率好像算错了... hash   (104 bytes , 403reads )
书上没错,注意P(A+B)可不是P(A)+P(B) 吴永铮   (58 bytes , 507reads )
我是说P(B), P(C)的表达式需要展开,才能用“since all prob. are the same” hash   (10 bytes , 365reads )
brute force行不通,因为2^(m*n)种情况,太多了 吴永铮   (46 bytes , 470reads )
Monte Carlo is the much better than simplistic brute force. hash   (0 bytes , 358reads )
老大题目出的太吓人, Broadway   (45 bytes , 345reads )
解不出来也可以参加讨论嘛 吴永铮   (194 bytes , 345reads )
我也没有其他想法啊,只是想到利用对称性只用考虑一半的“入口”就可以了。 香陵居士   (0 bytes , 325reads )
除了你说的对称,还有另一种对称,dual graph 吴永铮   (0 bytes , 356reads )
图论的概念么?都忘得差不多了:$ 香陵居士   (0 bytes , 252reads )
Do you mean isotropic in 2D? Broadway   (0 bytes , 286reads )
what do you mean by isotropic? 吴永铮   (0 bytes , 319reads )
老大很强大, Broadway   (47 bytes , 420reads )