[急问]收到nus的by-course master的offer,要求我提交以前学校的成绩单,怎么办?
所在版块:求学狮城 发贴时间:2008-05-12 12:28  评分:

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offer letter上要求我提交本科成绩单,具体要求如下:
Official university bachelor acdemic transcript (complete results) to be submitted unopened and directly to us from your university. the official university transcript must bear the stamp of your university and the name and signature of the Registrar or authorized person (with the designation indicated in the transcript) and must be enclosed in an official sealed envelope with its flap bearing the security seal of the university and the signature of the Registrar or his/her representative.

我在申请的时候已经交过成绩单(用信封封起来,有学校盖章的那种),但不是直接从学校寄出的.好像国内的学校没有提供直接寄成绩单给别的学校的服务吧? 而且我现在人在新加坡,没办法回以前的学校办这些东西.


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[急问]收到nus的by-course master的offer,要求我提交以前学校的成绩单,怎么办? baoxin   (781 bytes , 1058reads )
那就跟他们说已经交了 spinach   (52 bytes , 479reads )
谢谢 baoxin   (0 bytes , 289reads )