If you have the ability to get an A for FYP
所在版块:求学狮城 发贴时间:2008-07-18 12:19  评分:

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you wouldn't come to today's stage to force yourself to get an A for FYP.
Grade is confidential information. There is nowhere in NUS where you can find a single grade for any module for any student. Please give up this idea and simply focus on your study.
You may ask your supervisor for advice. They are more experienced.

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请问SOC学长学姐FYP的细节 纱纱   (326 bytes , 1782reads )
一些个人看法 whybati   (1391 bytes , 562reads )
FYP 80%成绩来自supervisor以外的两位教授, impossible Dinosaur   (0 bytes , 517reads )
要看你老板是谁? 江南渔夫   (62 bytes , 599reads )
If you have the ability to get an A for FYP noah   (322 bytes , 812reads )
Thanks for ur suggestion. I will contact my supervisor more.^^ 纱纱   (0 bytes , 405reads )
不是打击你啊 夏泽   (1067 bytes , 962reads )
要是得个B+, 1st class 是不是一定没有希望了?   (8 bytes , 534reads )
Yes noah   (50 bytes , 509reads )
谢谢senior了,很详细的信息,对FYP的Grade有个大概的印象了。 纱纱   (47 bytes , 489reads )
补个笑脸:P,^^再次谢谢senior啦 纱纱   (0 bytes , 322reads )
拿A基本上是很困难的 cking   (0 bytes , 448reads )
补充一下,我是CS的FYP,结果是一个compiler和一份报告 纱纱   (0 bytes , 464reads )
拿A太困难了, 纱纱   (95 bytes , 578reads )
恭喜恭喜。。 chancing   (43 bytes , 388reads )
佩服佩服~仰望ing~ 纱纱   (0 bytes , 282reads )