所在版块:求学狮城 发贴时间:2008-09-14 00:03  评分:

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to withdraw yourself from a module that you registered previously within the period in which withdrawal is legal, you should submit relevant documentation to related authority. This practice nevertheless leaves a W grade of that withdrawn module in your transcript.

As regards that whether you need to re-take that module or not, it depends on the nature of the module, i.e. if it is the essential module of your major. If it is not, it's not necessary for you to re-take it (This policy maybe had been changed). It won't affect your candidature of your degree or graduation.

However what I wrote here is merely derived from my past experience. It's strongly encouraged to consult your department or faculty secretary.

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关于课程withdrawn(请NUS毕业的学长、学姐指教) 明月照大江   (176 bytes , 1480reads )
pc1142 也要withdraw.... StefinieSun   (73 bytes , 433reads )
谢谢两位,我明天去ean's office 确认一下 明月照大江   (0 bytes , 316reads )
根据我02年的经验: materialist   (724 bytes , 583reads )
现在withdraw应该是算W grade。。。 EnyaLinn   (97 bytes , 464reads )
谢谢 不过“必须”是指还要再学这门课? 明月照大江   (0 bytes , 319reads )
刚才在nus的网站找了一下。。。 EnyaLinn   (78 bytes , 371reads )
给我的回答打分:) materialist   (0 bytes , 310reads )
对。现在不学以后也得学。 EnyaLinn   (0 bytes , 330reads )