I still doubt it.
所在版块:求学狮城 发贴时间:2009-05-02 01:33

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Generally speaking, PI does not have such an authority. It is the Admission Committee, not the PI, who needs that score as one of considerations.

Only under the circumstance that no scholarship is requested may it be possible.

"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better." -- Samuel Beckett
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NTU 物理专业,申请PhD, GRE,TOFEL 都需要么? wanderyao   (0 bytes , 925reads )
for ntu students, no need gre and tofel Nemo   (0 bytes , 408reads )
这个如果网站写的不清楚就要咨询你mentor了,如果和国大情形一样的话。。。 shinybird   (233 bytes , 726reads )
学校的网站上应该有啊 EnyaLinn   (51 bytes , 250reads )
一个就可以了 水鸭子   (7 bytes , 315reads )
Usually they are compulsory. TPMT   (0 bytes , 267reads )
not comulsory, especially GRE, if the supervisor agree to waive it 阿雅   (0 bytes , 287reads )
I still doubt it. TPMT   (227 bytes , 245reads )
you can. but what i see is many of my labmates don't have it... 阿雅   (0 bytes , 301reads )