1. 去ICA網站,
Apply for Long-Term Visit Pass --> Visitors who are Students of Institute of Higher Learning Seeking Employment in Singapore
2. 進入e-VP system --> New Application -->
Students of Institute of Higher Learning
3. 把資料填好, 線上繳錢30SGD, 等著收通知
ICA會先預定一個時間, 可以在系統上改成你方便的時間
4. 帶著以下材料去ICA領證
- A copy of notice
- A copy of duly completed Form 14.
- Applicant's passport. A copy of the applicant's passport particulars page must be submitted to ICA
- 1 recent passport sized colour photograph
- Applicant's DE Card
- Applicant's educational certificate(Original and Photocopy)