Summary: good match
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2003-04-11 03:06  评分:

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The play goes smoothly at the very beginning. Till W32, I think I have nothing to address but "expert", for both B and W. B33 is not bad, but I have other idea. For me, I may select to play B33 at 3N to watch how white play. If W plays at 3H then I will 9R. Else if W plays at L5, I will 3F. Since B upper left is very thick, I think W at most play at 7C if he wants to put some stone at the left side. Anyway, I think Right side is bigger than left side.

W38 is very bigger!! I think W is leading now. Just based on my judgement. :-)

W42 is good. Wait and watch how do you deal with this stone before any action at the right side.

B45 is good and necessary!

But W46 is too aggressive. 10R is still a good choice. If B plays at 10N, W 8N. Then I think B may play at 10L, W will have chance to play at 7D or 8D to form a huge space at lower-left. That should be another match.

W50 try to make himself stronger, and watch the B's action. But it is placed at the wrong position. 7M is the perfect one!!

B51 has a bit problem. I think 8S is OK. If White still decide to play next at corner, then B59 still can play at B51 or 7S, and keep the opportunity to kill the W43 & W54.

The fight seems evitable after then. W68 seems there are some miscalculations. If W68 plays at 11P, it will be much tougher to B. Have you consider this one, Komi? It seems B cann't these three stone. Otherwise, B will be in difficulty and B51 becomes very weak.

Just as Komi said, W82 is too cautious. I think W is not confident anymore when B's dragon survive in a nice way.

Till B87, Black leads the game.

W88 starts white's gambling.

W90 plays at W92 better.

W104 must be 4J. B105 indicates the B's victory. but ...

B119 is careless!! W see his chance coming...

W128 is not good.
The best sequence is 8J,8k,7j, 6j, then 2J. Black seems in trouble. From my calculation, Black is dead. :-(
If B place stone at 3K, W at 2L. W will connect or kill B111 & B113.

Survival of B' dragon states B's victory.

Playing go game, in most of time is struggling with time. In a limited time to have such a game, Komi should be proud of it. For me, I really learn a lot when I replay this game and think the best next.

Hope to look at your next posted match soon.


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