the Zeng Shi Sheng cup is one of the more important competitions in the chinese chess calender. this year, the size of the team has been increased from 2 to 3. we can send a team to gain important competition exposure just before IVP. NTU players jixian and laixin intend to take this as a warm-up to IVP. this will be a very good chance to train up your skills, so i strongly encourage all of you to take part. here are more details:
date: september 12 to 14th
venue: 405 joo chiat road (this should be the address of joo chiat cc)
format: 60min each. no extra time will be given.
time: round 1 friday 7:30pm
round 2 saturday 3pm
round 3 saturday 5:15pm
round 4 saturday 7:30pm
round 5 sunday 12noon
round 6 sunday 2:15pm
round 7 sunday 4:30pm
prize presentation 7pm
prizes: 1st $1200
2nd $900
3rd $750
4th $600
5th to 8th $200
team requirements:
3 players to play each round, only one can have rank. the ranked player can play on any board. each team can have up to 5 players
registration fees:20$