肚士肥猪 黑胜 黄培森 (附肚士肥猪自评)
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2004-03-16 17:09

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

Attached is the game i played with Peisen.

He tried an opening trap against me (ma 7+6), hoping i will move car 2+4. Actually sad case, this is exactly the opening he used against Hong Tian Rui (except hong tian rui is red), n he is black - n he never know i spy on him.I actually consulted grandmaster Cabbage (caijun) on how to counter it.

Move 17 is a bad move, should've moved ma 5-3. I admit i was getting complacent, geedy n qing di. Thought sure win. But in the end, let red get 3 bings for nothing. getting old liao man

Move 26 seems like i should bing 3+1, but my initial calculation shows my bing can never get across, so i move Xiang 5+3. which i thought is equivalent.

After i eat one xiang...it is a matter of not making any mistaking, and 'mo' him to death.


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