advice to yi dao N duan
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2004-05-29 23:30  评分:

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i see you play many games already..i believe opening're comparable to most people. I suggest to improve your game, you should play a few 'feng zi' or mad games..all out attack..dont worry about the result.

for example, your game w qingfeng....57 pao play until feixiang...v. wasted. the logic of center pao is to whack...n midgame..u change your mind to a defending one..not good..unless you're really sure about what you're doing.

therefore..relax..enjoy the game.enjoy outwitting your opponent....try hard...die fighting down!

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advice to yi dao N duan 肚士肥猪   (544 bytes , 423reads )
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