Final result of IVP against NTU =( 没心情发贴,把我刚写的英文糟糟的email贴来吧。
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2004-10-02 01:34  评分:

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
Dear all:
Sorry to tell u all that we lost the final vs NTU today
I think all of us have tried our best, we got the score 5:5 against NTU,
then our 1st board drew, 2nd board lost to them, so we lost at last.
Today's lineup is Jiaming red drew zhishun, chaoxian black lost to Jixian,
manyi red won laixing, guobin black lost to Congrong, Haowei red won anhao.
I have seen all of the 5 players had put all their effort in the games,
both chaoxian and guobin, the two of our black players, chose an agressire
style trying to kill their opponents. Manyi, easily won NTU yiji
player-Laixing. Haowei,so cool when he was facing the disadvantage
situation, and finally won also.
especially our strongest player Jiaming, when the other 4 boards ended, we
got 2 won and 2 lost already (but our 2nd board lost), he must win his
opponent-zhishun (a yiji if i am not wrong) to ensure our championship.At
that time, jiaming lost one seed already, he still kept trying to win in
such a bad condition, and he even almost made it! he got back the seed and
got 2 more bing finally.... this game last more than 3 hours but jiaming
kept fighting for a victory for our team until the arbiter was sleepy and
judged a draw finally =P

Also thanks to our SRC officer Mr Koh, our coach Haiyu, Our chess club
chairperson Licai, secretary Peiyi, and Elson, Shijie,Mengdi,yanzhong for
their coming and support.

Although we lost today, i think we had already shown our team's strength
and spirit during all the matches, and we are also the best anyway.

We will also have some trainings on Friday evening in the following weeks,
Haiyu will come to teach us also if he got time =)

Although we lost the golden medals today, I believe we will have our
favourite chess and our chess spirit forever, I believe we will have our
resplendence and victory next year if all of us work hard from now on. we
will have a great improvement in one year time to beat NTU next yr,

Thanks to all of u and all ur effort these weeks.and best wishes to all of
u =)


 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
Final result of IVP against NTU =( 没心情发贴,把我刚写的英文糟糟的email贴来吧。 一刀n断   (2058 bytes , 765reads )
是否有浩伟,家铭和国彬在IVP决赛的对局记录? 印度阿三   (370 bytes , 386reads )
第一台对ntu不怎么地,不过2002年跟SP争冠的最后一轮 卷心菜   (26 bytes , 259reads )
所以说。象棋是圆的,出来混的,迟早都要还的。。。 一刀n断   (36 bytes , 269reads )
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en 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 186reads )
张辽   (116 bytes , 232reads )
将5进9下的好,了了我们的一个心愿。 卷心菜   (350 bytes , 415reads )
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为什么将五进九从来不坐第一台呢? shwan   (0 bytes , 272reads )
因为两队如果打平5:5,则看第一台胜负定输赢 一刀n断   (300 bytes , 286reads )
我觉得他们肯定重点研究家铭,所以第一台不应总放一个人,也许第二台更稳妥。 shwan   (0 bytes , 297reads )
或许吧,但是,只要家铭正常发挥的话,他们怎么重点研究也应该是没多大意义的。。。 一刀n断   (74 bytes , 304reads )
怀疑一下…… 香陵居士   (32 bytes , 214reads )
我觉得老潘杀陈来兴很正常 一刀n断   (110 bytes , 279reads )
也是。 shwan   (0 bytes , 220reads )