所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2007-06-22 01:52

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Results of 2007 Group A (unofficial) and Round 9 棋人生   (116 bytes , 870reads )
最终2007年全国个人赛A组排名 卷心菜   (45 bytes , 377reads )
SIXGA's website still not updated with this latest information although... 棋人生   (39 bytes , 332reads )
Last night 10:30PM still not up but read it now ...... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 319reads )
最佳拼搏奖,最佳风格奖,最佳报导奖:洪泉发(特写) 卷心菜   (45 bytes , 369reads )
惊讶洪菲利下的比洪泉发好的太多了 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 268reads )
洪腓利的棋其实不错 胡耀宇   (76 bytes , 354reads )
常常牛车水看到他 火云邪神   (84 bytes , 282reads )
No wonder I met him at Chinatown MRT recently ..... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 345reads )
你也常去牛车水下彩棋? 胡耀宇   (0 bytes , 256reads )
我不下棋了,路过看看罢了 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 249reads )
还好啊, 胡耀宇   (18 bytes , 264reads )
有大师 火云邪神   (42 bytes , 283reads )
林耀先大师不像下彩棋的人 胡耀宇   (89 bytes , 319reads )
No wonder I met 林耀森 along Maxwell Road .... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 316reads )
Yes, 洪菲利 improve a lot but 洪泉发's effort in the 棋人生   (173 bytes , 463reads )
Agree 火云邪神   (153 bytes , 365reads )
Any way to copy out this photo so that can remind him to play better next year 棋人生   (0 bytes , 304reads )
right click->save picture as 卷心菜   (261 bytes , 351reads )
Thanks, I have saved it. 棋人生   (0 bytes , 369reads )
This is the unlucky table for him, 5 times ..ha ha 棋人生   (0 bytes , 326reads )
倪福良(特写) 卷心菜   (45 bytes , 407reads )
胡海宇(特写) 卷心菜   (45 bytes , 341reads )
冠军:吴宗翰 卷心菜   (45 bytes , 316reads )
康德荣(左)vs王英再(右) 卷心菜   (45 bytes , 333reads )
刘再成vs黄荣岳;范永康vs郑木兴;洪天瑞vs洪腓利 卷心菜   (45 bytes , 437reads )
黄毅鸿vs刘剑慧;柳国斌vs陈来兴;唐德荣vs王英再 卷心菜   (45 bytes , 343reads )
胡海宇vs倪福良;杨高正vs朱永吉;许升vs邱冠杰 卷心菜   (45 bytes , 349reads )
洪泉发(左)vs陈福全(右) 卷心菜   (45 bytes , 361reads )
郑祥福(左)vs卢国龙(右) 卷心菜   (45 bytes , 330reads )
吴宗翰(左)vs黄俊铭(右) 卷心菜   (45 bytes , 346reads )
赛场照片 卷心菜   (90 bytes , 456reads )