haha... i keep forgetting to click on the tag...... here's the game
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2007-08-03 00:26

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Who is the best player in S'pore right now? ZJS   (0 bytes , 757reads )
欢迎一下 张辽   (0 bytes , 207reads )
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i also feel is 赵金山...请看赵金山如何胜张友彬 piggy888   (717 bytes , 244reads )
I am lucky, in some competition, I always got some stroke of luck for win. ZJS   (202 bytes , 191reads )
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haha... i keep forgetting to click on the tag...... here's the game piggy888   (697 bytes , 232reads )
感觉只是红方对攻中一时手软了。 几度   (288 bytes , 203reads )
one of the best player is 赵金山 卷心菜   (65 bytes , 232reads )
Thanks for compliments....but I know where I stand ZJS   (264 bytes , 264reads )
语法错误,one of the best playerS is 赵金山,哈哈~ 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 217reads )