柬埔寨棋联总会会长冯利发and棋队visited SIXGA yesterday around 2 pm too....
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2007-12-23 09:55

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吴贵临、高懿屏夫妇 will be at SIXGA on 22 Dec 2007, Saturday from 2 pm ... 棋人生   (25 bytes , 247reads )
total of 11 students, 陈茗芳won. 3 draw were 胡伟良, 何健衡,谢永森 棋人生   (0 bytes , 146reads )
柬埔寨棋联总会会长冯利发and棋队visited SIXGA yesterday around 2 pm too.... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 181reads )
柬象棋代表团还拜访了新加坡民众联络所象棋俱乐部及新加坡象棋总会等..... 棋人生   (1003 bytes , 261reads )
by chance, the publicity of 碧山民众俱乐部象棋会五周年会庆特辑 to .... 棋人生   (2008 bytes , 152reads )
must arrange with 王绍组 to get a set of photos to pass to them .... 棋人生   (64 bytes , 186reads )
吴贵临 1 against 8, won : 5 draw : 3 棋人生   (0 bytes , 124reads )
1 against 10 students ?! 棋人生   (0 bytes , 126reads )
today they are at ...... (??? together with players from 柬埔寨) 棋人生   (35 bytes , 172reads )
The event at Boon Lay ..... 棋人生   (694 bytes , 120reads )
Beidou and Boon Lay, both have more than 25 years ...... 棋人生   (197 bytes , 117reads )
18 Mar 1982 and 24 Mar 1982, within one week ....... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 140reads )
knew about the prgorammes last night when attending the Beidou ..... 棋人生   (277 bytes , 187reads )
logo and photos, please find out the details from ..... 棋人生   (368 bytes , 244reads )
when helping 王英再 at SIXGA in the afternoon yesterday, managed to get .... 棋人生   (138 bytes , 177reads )
SIXGA's Newsletters No. 1 to 10, No. 11 is on the way ...... 棋人生   (211 bytes , 161reads )