Will not use this nick anymore
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2007-12-27 18:05

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
Anyway i am 没头发洪泉发 too. Was just joking around. Glad you are able to let the matter close.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
To 悟入棋途版主 & 网友, "王英再真可爱" and "没头发洪泉发" 网友 -- No. 2 棋人生   (2408 bytes , 797reads )
我的一些看法 卷心菜   (1234 bytes , 250reads )
讲得好! 张辽   (0 bytes , 174reads )
My personal views 黎明到来   (1135 bytes , 249reads )
也对也不对 几度   (298 bytes , 227reads )
人身攻击 shd not encourage ... but .. if i assume one the case... 棋天大胜   (969 bytes , 228reads )
please note the flow of the postings, not acceptable to me .... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 205reads )
close in the other posting 棋人生   (0 bytes , 191reads )
给“王英再真可爱"和”没头发洪泉发“网友的一点儿建议 张辽   (431 bytes , 259reads )
我也给点意见吧。 几度   (2977 bytes , 168reads )
To everyone... 王英再真可爱   (454 bytes , 336reads )
和为贵,和为贵,和局多一点儿不要紧 张辽   (96 bytes , 168reads )
张辽的名字 几度   (320 bytes , 225reads )
ok to close the matter...... 棋人生   (147 bytes , 285reads )
这个周日的象总庆功午宴,"王英再真可爱"要自罚三杯, 棋仙   (83 bytes , 211reads )
棋人生先生 张辽   (94 bytes , 265reads )
张辽版主,I have decided to drop this matter ....... 棋人生   (4060 bytes , 274reads )
Will not use this nick anymore 王英再真可爱   (96 bytes , 349reads )
嗯,可以注册其他ID积极地加入到棋艺本身的讨论中来. 卷心菜   (43 bytes , 173reads )
ok 棋人生   (0 bytes , 185reads )
已经转去给admin看了 一刀n断   (200 bytes , 233reads )
Furthermore, take how long to apologise and the sincerity of ..... 棋人生   (51 bytes , 221reads )
我早上把“没头发”ban了,他怎么道歉? 一刀n断   (32 bytes , 202reads )
this is part of the sincerity, do not know the phone or address is not ..... 棋人生   (135 bytes , 233reads )
从大局上讲 我作为版主不希望看到 人身攻击贴 和 类似纷争贴 一刀n断   (780 bytes , 194reads )
是啊 张辽   (0 bytes , 156reads )
If it is a police case, let police to decide, so it is better for you to ..... 棋人生   (60 bytes , 203reads )
应该是和棋人生比较熟的人才开这玩笑,相信他知道你生气了会找你道歉, 棋仙   (29 bytes , 213reads )
admin我也不认识,我只能把意见发到“意见论坛”板块 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 159reads )
do not worry, definitely can trace .... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 188reads )
Sorry, I have to take this issue seriously .... 棋人生   (95 bytes , 169reads )