Yes, nowadays more and more one-day events .......
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2008-02-05 00:58

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In the last ten years, other than 全国赛 and 茶阳杯学生个人赛, most of the xiangqi events are changing ......

(1) team of 6 团体联赛 from 1995 to 2004, no news since then ...

(2) 3-member team events, do not hear any since 2006 except 学生团体赛

(3) 4-member, at least 3-day team events --

after 2004 & 2005 狮城杯, 2007 李美花杯 and 2007 Mind Sport, so far no news about the next one. For this category of team events, 义顺南 is playing very critical role since 2005.

(4) 4, 5 or 6-member world cup method, 碧山 is trying in 2008 Bishan Cup ...

(5) 2-day event -- to be included ....

(6) 1-day 2-round team event -- started with 甘榜格南 at Albert Centre, others to be included ....

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