Complaining and stop people from promote chess in singapore is a way EXCO do??
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2008-07-07 19:31

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Complaining and stopping other people from promote chess in singapore is a way EXCO is asking you to do!!!!

If you cannot do better than others, dun be jealous and keep complain!!

You should be happy, someone is helping you to lighten the load by promote it with you!!!
Be a gentleman!!!

Wa Wa!!

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Complaining and stop people from promote chess in singapore is a way EXCO do?? 新加坡鸭子   (300 bytes , 527reads )
你再Wa Wa,大家都知道你是杨家小将了 太阳黑子   (207 bytes , 291reads )
Wa Wa挺可爱的啊。 逢人让双马   (34 bytes , 276reads )
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