The objectives of PA, CCs and RCs are very clear ......
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2008-07-20 22:51

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It's all about Community Bonding!

The People's Association (PA) being the leading government agency that promotes social cohesion, racial harmony and Government-to-People connectivity, has a network of about 1,800 grassroots organisations. The grassroots organisations are managed by volunteers who work with the PA to organise a wide range of programmes and activities to cater to the needs and interests of Singaporeans from all walks of life.

Citizens' Consultative Committee

Community Centre/Club Management Committee (about 105)

The Community Centre/Club Management Committees (CCMCs) help the PA to build, maintain and manage the community centre/clubs (CCs). They promote racial harmony and social cohesion through the various cultural, educational, recreational, sports, social and other community activities organised for residents.

Residents' Committee (about 550)
The Residents' Committees (RCs) in public housing estates promote neighbourliness, racial harmony and community cohesiveness among the residents within their RC zones. Run by residents for residents, the RCs also work closely with other PA grassroots organisations like the CCCs and selected government agencies to improve the physical environment and safety of the local precinct.

Neighbourhood Committee

Senior Citizens' Executive Committee

Women's Executive Committee

Malay Activity Executive Committee

Indian Activity Executive Committee

People's Association Youth Movement

T-Net Club

Constituency Sports Club

Civil Defence Executive Committee

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