a number of players have performed very well .......
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2008-12-14 06:42

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As indicated in a separate post below, this is one of the reasons for us to plan for another 棋力分级(第三次评定) in Jun 2009 during 碧山象棋会七周年会庆 instead of 碧山象棋会10周年会庆 in Jun 2012.

This is also good for existing graded players to look for improvement, suggestions for Bishan players are, to join competitions at least once over a 3-year period, to join competitions at least 3 times over a 5-year period, more types of internal competitions, etc etc




As quite a number of players have performed very well in this Bishan Internal Competition 2008, we may hold another 棋力分级(第三次评定) in Jun 2009 during 碧山象棋会七周年会庆.

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