Please also learn from what you have written above ........
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2009-02-21 05:30

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

you asked for 构思 (象总有意在今年的中秋节举办一个类似的棋赛,欢迎棋友们提出构思与参加!!!)

you mentioned 不很熟悉罗名士赛制 when 卷心菜 indicated it。 (我对这个制度不很熟悉???)

you asked for one-day or one-night system (如果六至九支队伍八个比赛员有办法一日或一个晚上赛完决定名次吗?)

I know that 罗名士赛制 is at least 7-round 2-day system, this is the reason for me to bring up one-day system used previously (The method used in 2002 Telok Ayer Hong Lim Green C.C. .......)

Since you have indicated (同时,也希望棋友们能够提出更多更有新意的构思,让象总理事会参考。)

I expect you to bring all 构思 to 象总理事会 for discussion, and if you need to know more after 象总理事会 select the system used in 2002 Telok Ayer Hong Lim Green C.C., I am willing to share the system with you (I am open to discussion if you wish to know more or check with the organiser(s) from 2002 Telok Ayer Hong Lim Green C.C. (Golden Horse 7-Team Event).

As a start, I only wish to alert you to plan with 中秋节雅柏杯 in mind since they have organised the event 6 times since 2003 during 中秋节 period and many 棋友 hope to continue with this type of one-day system 。。。。。

As mentioned by 卷心菜, 罗名士赛制和全国团体联赛激烈程度媲美, but 罗名士赛制 needs at least 2 days for 7 rounds, 全国团体联赛 needs at least 7 days for 8 teams or more, The method used in 2002 Telok Ayer Hong Lim Green C.C. needs ONE DAY only and you can have 4 players (2+2), or 6 players (3+3), or 8 players (4+4), or 10 players (5+5), or 12 players (6+6) etc ....... depending on how many players needed to play with the other teams, 8 players (4+4) mentioned here as since 2004, the two Lion City Cups, 2007 Lee Bee Wah Cup and 2007 Mind Sport all 4 competitions used 4-member team method, furthermore, you indicate 八个比赛员 per team.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
[对局汇总]2009年1月31日象总举办“新秀宿将友谊赛” 一刀n断   (12 bytes , 1245reads )
综合大多观众和参赛者的意见:象总此次活动大获成功,棋友希望来年继续办下去。 卷心菜   (115 bytes , 253reads )
象总有意在今年的中秋节举办一个类似的棋赛,欢迎棋友们提出构思与参加!!! 棋一生   (866 bytes , 339reads )
象棋擂台赛 ...... concept of donations ? 碧山   (498 bytes , 207reads )
第二个构思:棋手可以根据自己的意愿攻打任何一个擂台!!! 棋一生   (44 bytes , 199reads )
或者 几度   (298 bytes , 254reads )
你的建议可以考虑!!! 棋一生   (220 bytes , 212reads )
我个人非常同意这个建议 风云剑   (173 bytes , 208reads )
补充 几度   (21 bytes , 220reads )
过三关擂台赛 -- Nee Soon South and Bishan both had this event in 2005 ..... 碧山   (595 bytes , 310reads )
棋友们可能感觉太贵了,报名费50,30,20,10就下一盘棋,成了变相赌棋。 卷心菜   (366 bytes , 207reads )
凭真本领战胜擂台主赢得奖金,我不认为是“赌”!!! 棋一生   (350 bytes , 294reads )
你不觉得奖金也相应很高,很刺激吗? 杀着大全   (38 bytes , 259reads )
中秋节怎么能够没有嫦娥?应邀女棋手组成一支“嫦娥队”!!! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 185reads )
不叫这个名字吧? 几度   (138 bytes , 285reads )
闭月羞花,妙哉! 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 209reads )
5队8人,6队10人,7队就12人了,比较难找这么多嫦娥吧? 杀着大全   (14 bytes , 199reads )
只要Zyne 与Eteng努力,要找八位嫦娥参赛应该不是很困难!!! 棋一生   (196 bytes , 288reads )
中秋节类似雅柏杯的方式进行,中秋节雅柏杯。。。。。 碧山   (149 bytes , 239reads )
有一定道理,与雅柏广场的赛制重复了,不如满足广大棋友的需求,续办类似罗名士赛制。 卷心菜   (179 bytes , 269reads )
我对这个制度不很熟悉??? 棋一生   (62 bytes , 260reads )
The method used in 2002 Telok Ayer Hong Lim Green C.C. ....... 碧山   (549 bytes , 297reads )
象总不是在办正式的棋赛!!! 棋一生   (200 bytes , 206reads )
I only try to answer your two questions above, .... 碧山   (141 bytes , 245reads )
也许我的华文写得不是很好,词不达意!!! 棋一生   (289 bytes , 249reads )
Please also learn from what you have written above ........ 碧山   (1810 bytes , 308reads )
我时时刻刻在学习中,希望你也是!!! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 228reads )
就知道这贴得斗嘴 杀着大全   (109 bytes , 187reads )
同意一刀的看法,这些队名确实十分地不合适。我建议 张辽   (187 bytes , 278reads )
我还没说话 莫非你有先见之明。。。 一刀n断   (299 bytes , 265reads )
与杀着大全的各有千秋!!! 棋一生   (36 bytes , 201reads )
大力支持象总中秋团体赛。提议我组建一个海外游子队一起加入。 卷心菜   (229 bytes , 274reads )
这队我可能不参加了 几度   (82 bytes , 185reads )
好建议!!! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 186reads )
你这是“邀月”队了 杀着大全   (23 bytes , 198reads )
同意,建议悟入棋途派队参赛 张辽   (0 bytes , 173reads )
可以把这贴单独新发一贴出来吗?以便长期关注,这贴已经太庞大了,不利于浏览。 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 185reads )
待棋赛方式确定后再另外开新帖!!! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 176reads )
构思很好,就是名字太汗了,可以想些文思奇妙的名字吧。。。 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 213reads )
你可以帮忙修改!!! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 171reads )
既然是八月十五,最好莫过于以月为名 杀着大全   (227 bytes , 405reads )
如果是黑马 几度   (18 bytes , 239reads )
五队应该是五角赛!!! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 175reads )
最重要的是棋友们要团结一致!!! 棋一生   (176 bytes , 247reads )
在重大经济危机之际,经费是个大课题。 卷心菜   (107 bytes , 257reads )
Yes, we also need to ensure all donations put into good uses. :-) 碧山   (0 bytes , 232reads )
suggest 几度 to write one article on this event for the next 象总棋讯. :-) 碧山   (0 bytes , 254reads )
Sorry Can't 几度   (241 bytes , 249reads )
not in the Committee too and went there around 3 pm.... and the opening part ... 碧山   (271 bytes , 268reads )
12台共24场比赛现已收录22局 一刀n断   (185 bytes , 258reads )
若有高手愿意评注,可以刊登来促进棋艺交流 风云剑   (28 bytes , 226reads )
几度曾经曰过 杀着大全   (63 bytes , 257reads )
哈哈,突然发觉杀着大全也同时上网 风云剑   (84 bytes , 228reads )
看赖俊杰首局如何轻取宿将苏劲连,这是文礼三少唯一的胜局!!! 棋一生   (397 bytes , 314reads )
苏前辈这布局太轻敌了啊 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 211reads )
廉颇已老。 桑原秀策   (0 bytes , 205reads )
廉颇未老 几度   (204 bytes , 250reads )
三届冠军以赵国三朝将领相喻还真是贴切 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 237reads )
小将陈靖龙走的工稳,虽败犹荣!!! 棋一生   (1094 bytes , 301reads )
下得不错! 风云剑   (119 bytes , 247reads )
Thanks You and Eng Chye for the encouragement LingLong   (0 bytes , 276reads )
哈哈,的确下的好!Long上次出手把我也绝杀了。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 210reads )
Just won by sheer luck. Don't mention. LingLong   (0 bytes , 281reads )
欢迎新人 赠桃=) 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 171reads )
小将陈靖麟不识老局,布局有待加强!!! 棋一生   (854 bytes , 301reads )
难得有机会欣赏王绍组的精湛棋艺 风云剑   (32 bytes , 344reads )
年轻人下的有点粗,不过很有斗志,不错。 桑原秀策   (0 bytes , 247reads )
Thanks you for the comments and thanks Seow Chor for the guidance. LingLong   (0 bytes , 320reads )
卷心菜对康德荣 卷心菜   (1035 bytes , 289reads )
评一词 几度   (8 bytes , 201reads )
双方计算速度和行棋速度就好像是单核处理器跟四核处理器的较量。 卷心菜   (344 bytes , 288reads )
后话 几度   (104 bytes , 216reads )
2009年新春宿将新秀棋艺交流赛24盘棋成绩列表:宿将9:3大胜新秀(局分16:8) 卷心菜   (45 bytes , 314reads )
忽然发现杀着大全也猜对了 几度   (10 bytes , 180reads )
oh, yes, you miss the prediction results at 2009-01-31 17:09 :-) 碧山   (0 bytes , 196reads )
是啊,感谢棋一生车前马后的张罗 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 228reads )
感谢组办这次交流比赛 风云剑   (32 bytes , 210reads )
发财啊发财啊我抽到了8号。。。 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 182reads )
这句话不是应该你对手说吗? 几度   (0 bytes , 232reads )
你迟到了所以不知道怎么抽签的吧 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 205reads )
怎么抽? 几度   (0 bytes , 177reads )
范伟名言 杀着大全   (42 bytes , 242reads )
侯志雄布局失当,车被打死,无力招架!!! 棋一生   (854 bytes , 342reads )
评一句 几度   (28 bytes , 205reads )
风云剑对关福潮 风云剑   (1333 bytes , 417reads )
廖铭濠残棋欠缺功力,输得可惜!!! 棋一生   (1310 bytes , 333reads )
第1局为什么和棋? 几度   (0 bytes , 217reads )
记录有问题. magician88   (52 bytes , 198reads )
原来如此 几度   (30 bytes , 217reads )
第 一局 magician88   (23 bytes , 188reads )
输得莫名其妙. magician88   (38 bytes , 282reads )
这说明了你的不足之处,应当吸取经验,对你将来成长有帮助。 桑原秀策   (0 bytes , 236reads )
你暴露你是谁了。。。 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 272reads )
就是 几度   (40 bytes , 239reads )
看小将刘忆豪与宿将梁剑华精彩的搏杀!!! 棋一生   (529 bytes , 362reads )
第一局没喝咖啡,不知在下什么棋;第二局赶紧喝一杯三合一!!! 棋一生   (1064 bytes , 305reads )
不揣冒昧,试评这局。 几度   (2819 bytes , 335reads )
红太想争胜,不然感觉和望很高 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 202reads )
非也 几度   (130 bytes , 228reads )
“三合一”还不够,应该把书包里藏的“白兰氏”鸡精给喝光了!!! 棋一生   (38 bytes , 246reads )
看卢国龙恢复勇态,两局轻取亚洲少年季军黄俊阳!!! 棋一生   (1262 bytes , 363reads )
一点意见 几度   (172 bytes , 219reads )
这位年轻人功力非凡,屡杀名将!!! 棋一生   (850 bytes , 368reads )
评注 几度   (3619 bytes , 290reads )
的确杀得漂亮!他今年几岁,从哪里来? 风云剑   (0 bytes , 303reads )
据说来自中国,有名师指导,属有级棋士!!! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 266reads )
一刀n断0.5:1.5熊甲级 一刀n断   (1010 bytes , 267reads )