廖铭濠四战全胜 一骑绝尘 我这次又没机会向他挑战了
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2009-09-07 11:35

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
甚为可惜 昨日在前两轮先后战平了文礼另两少-赖俊杰和刘忆豪之后 就没机会碰到廖小弟了
要不然在一项赛事中能先后挑战文礼三少将成为一件幸事(也可以说是不幸的事 哈哈)

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
2009年甘榜格南象棋个人锦标赛章程和报名表(9月6日和9月13日八轮积分制) 卷心菜   (570 bytes , 1727reads )
List of Winners and those with 9 points and above ........ 碧山   (152 bytes , 497reads )
possible ranking for positions 9 to 25 ....... 碧山   (167 bytes , 415reads )
恭喜廖铭濠获得2009年首冠! 卷心菜   (27 bytes , 283reads )
对局集:请各位棋友把本次比赛中想分享的对局跟帖于此。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 280reads )
最后一轮冠军争夺战:magician88先手迎战歌神(感谢杨锦池先生记录) 卷心菜   (930 bytes , 473reads )
这棋是开局的问题。黑棋已经很满意了。 xiaobeidou   (282 bytes , 339reads )
如过第二十步, 下炮四退二下一步卒三进一捉马会更好吗? 请指教! 歌神   (0 bytes , 430reads )
歌神谦虚谦虚。这样下是肯定比实战好。红下得好可能会简化。 xiaobeidou   (609 bytes , 323reads )
试解 几度   (110 bytes , 243reads )
I think red can move r2+1. magician88   (54 bytes , 330reads )
冠军赠送红心恭喜一下! 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 239reads )
照片 卷心菜   (45 bytes , 381reads )
歌神原来是... 张辽   (0 bytes , 255reads )
贴棋局 wenqishou   (32 bytes , 328reads )
请参看置顶贴 一刀n断   (64 bytes , 239reads )
卷心菜对局选 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 245reads )
第四轮:卷心菜和张顺喜 卷心菜   (899 bytes , 366reads )
俩人都严重不在状态 一刀n断   (147 bytes , 339reads )
第三轮:郑佳俊胜卷心菜 卷心菜   (670 bytes , 366reads )
感觉60步可以考虑直接砍士 将五进九   (110 bytes , 200reads )
我当时看也有这感觉 可是... 一刀n断   (421 bytes , 259reads )
没那么复杂 几度   (136 bytes , 286reads )
30步少走了个过门?先炮8+1逐马怎么样? 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 200reads )
第二轮:卷心菜负梁志顺 卷心菜   (842 bytes , 323reads )
Score Board for Kampong Glam C.C. Event Day 1 -- 6 Sep 2009 ..... 碧山   (135 bytes , 200reads )
注意:由于表格部分信息有误,为防止误导,此贴将于9月8日晚23点59分以后被删除。 卷心菜   (125 bytes , 208reads )
廖铭濠四战全胜 一骑绝尘 我这次又没机会向他挑战了 一刀n断   (161 bytes , 295reads )
来日方长 wenqishou   (44 bytes , 384reads )
A study of Day 1 Results of Kampong Glam Event on 6 Sep 2009 ....... 碧山   (916 bytes , 356reads )
with the latest input, I have moved one graded player from 4 pts to 6 pts ..... 碧山   (665 bytes , 241reads )
呵呵,看来我发挥的不错,真正做到了送分使者应尽的义务。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 207reads )
杀气不足。 几度   (0 bytes , 221reads )
哥送的不是分,是寂寞。。。 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 225reads )
寂寞也是一种兵器 几度   (42 bytes , 184reads )
Photos for 6 Sep 2009, Kampong Glam Event Day 1 -- 碧山   (90 bytes , 291reads )
祝各位参赛棋手好运!我周日会去帮大家加油的。 卷心菜   (83 bytes , 254reads )
看好3豪(1) 许正豪 (2)廖铭豪 (3)刘亿豪 piggy888   (0 bytes , 289reads )
怎么知道都谁报名了?名单公布了吗? 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 201reads )
祝各位参赛棋手好运!我周日会去帮大家送分的。 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 224reads )
这句话还挺狠 几度   (56 bytes , 317reads )
几度吃的不是白饭,是文字。 杀着大全   (8 bytes , 363reads )
68 players with 12 Grade Bs and more than 10 strong non-graded players..... 碧山   (28 bytes , 254reads )
70 players starting this coming Sunday, 6 Sep 2009. 碧山   (0 bytes , 241reads )
Now 66 players, for those who try to register, please check with ..... 碧山   (111 bytes , 286reads )
报名 wenqishou   (27 bytes , 363reads )
能不能需要报名要去甘榜格南问。。。 卷心菜   (24 bytes , 212reads )
邓漳淦dehaoma wenqishou   (73 bytes , 501reads )
好久不见 wenqishou   (23 bytes , 324reads )
欢迎新人 请你吃桃=)  一刀n断   (0 bytes , 214reads )
谢谢! wenqishou   (126 bytes , 297reads )
很久以前弈天上就见过你了我们还聊过 大概在6年前=) 一刀n断   (86 bytes , 293reads )
报名 wenqishou   (81 bytes , 316reads )
I sent in Bishan last form to Kampong Glam at Boon Lay this afternoon ..... 碧山   (166 bytes , 283reads )
58 now, ...... 碧山   (114 bytes , 206reads )
So far 54 players registered, closing within 5 days, i.e. 23 Aug 2009. 碧山   (0 bytes , 255reads )
Who can help me with application? I pay him the fee back! Thanks. ZJS   (22 bytes , 257reads )
今年没办法报名参加。。。也就算了。 ZJS   (149 bytes , 215reads )
ZJS, i not playing. u wan to replace me? 火云邪神   (120 bytes , 513reads )
and I think u r 1 of the nicest ppl around other than Hu Haiyu n MaoRan... ZJS   (0 bytes , 315reads )
Evil Immortal, many thanks but i told last week my wife I am not taking part.... ZJS   (135 bytes , 244reads )
will try if can meet any kampong glam players at boonlay CC this weekend. 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 222reads )
Thank you very much, appreciate your kind help. ZJS   (47 bytes , 574reads )
Can help to me take one copy as well ? Thanks. 歌神   (0 bytes , 278reads )
给我你的演唱会的门票,要VIP的我才帮你报名哈哈! 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 270reads )
haha, got time we go sing in Karoeke la, can sing and play chess altogether !! 歌神   (30 bytes , 362reads )
歌神你自己打印出来啦。 卷心菜   (125 bytes , 270reads )
try to pass one more form to kampong glam tomorrow afternoon at Boon Lay too. 碧山   (0 bytes , 290reads )
2007 and 2008 Ranking Results ....... 碧山   (267 bytes , 413reads )
甲级没得下。 火影   (0 bytes , 243reads )
怎么只有受邀参加者能下? 杀手   (28 bytes , 343reads )
欢迎新人 请你吃桃=)  一刀n断   (0 bytes , 220reads )
非甘榜格南会员或居民也可去报名,经主办方审核通过就可参赛。 卷心菜   (127 bytes , 263reads )