Posted 1st topic with your advice. TY
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2009-11-28 23:59

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The No Message (NM) is to help me to see my own message because when a lot of replies, hard to see the 0 bytes with the gap in between. Let me know if it is annoying other people.

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[转] 走近吴宗翰与新加坡象棋 功夫熊猫   (3503 bytes , 1395reads )
写得这么好。。 Eteng   (35 bytes , 311reads )
Eteng努力吧 几度   (51 bytes , 291reads )
为什么是两全其美? Eteng   (46 bytes , 314reads )
Thank you Kungfu Panda! kurubear   (460 bytes , 548reads )
欢迎新人 赠桃=)  一刀n断   (0 bytes , 214reads )
欢迎新人 赠桃=) <<<----- I see this often, what does it mean? kurubear   (132 bytes , 329reads )
This is 一刀n断's marketing strategy, sign-up bonus. 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 287reads )
这个夸了有点过头了。。我都感觉不好意思了。。 xiaobeidou   (132 bytes , 316reads )
广东象棋网公告:越南名手阮武军己于昨晩逝世 Matrix   (191 bytes , 763reads )
沉痛悼念!  一刀n断   (0 bytes , 250reads )
Who know how to move this 阮武军 post as a seperate posting? (No Message) kurubear   (0 bytes , 328reads )
发新帖:请先登录后在左上角找“发表新帖”。已经发表的帖子不可再Move 卷心菜   (135 bytes , 278reads )
Posted 1st topic with your advice. TY kurubear   (197 bytes , 251reads )
Unconfirm 阮武军 status from VN contacts, so could be fake news. (No Message) kurubear   (0 bytes , 485reads )
Just confirmed w one of his top student-- he died of sickness :-( (No Message) kurubear   (0 bytes , 266reads )
Another great loss to Chinese Chess ! kurubear   (488 bytes , 336reads )
Any idea how old was he? I thought he was only 20+ or 30+. peanut   (0 bytes , 374reads )
More info on 越南---阮武军 kurubear   (362 bytes , 346reads )
No wonder people keep telling me he was national champion when i was there.... kurubear   (263 bytes , 374reads )
吴特大谦虚了。另:写阮特大的建议最好另起一帖嘛 horace_wu   (0 bytes , 324reads )
作者:horace_wu,好文! 卷心菜   (113 bytes , 270reads )
Horace W u related to 吴宗翰 ? (No Message) kurubear   (0 bytes , 240reads )
我们没有血缘关系人家是广东的位象棋高手。阮是1984年出生的。09年越南个人赛冠军 xiaobeidou   (388 bytes , 356reads )
:-) I had thought both of you are brothers or sth... kurubear   (156 bytes , 258reads )
u gotta admit that the title is catchy 洛三儿   (0 bytes , 268reads )