所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2010-03-09 15:31  评分:

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图1 廖铭濠先胜施由炳        图2 庄才钧先胜许乾亿       图3 廖梁燊虢先负陈茗芳

图4 杨丰义先和蔡俊杰        图5 赵金山先和陈靖麟        图6 王印先负巫汉梃

图7 林奕寰先负胡伟良         图8 林家勇先胜陈俊华       图9 傅伟杰先负叶德明

图10 吴伟荣先负陈彭生        图11 张育畅先胜黄徐新        图12 梁顺财先胜陈靖媗

图13 王艺飞先胜阮俊耀        图14 王辉祥先负余添荣        图15 翁文龙先和陈吕凯

图16 苏添福先胜陈利庆       图17 陈世昌先负吴得顺         图18 陈国庆先负杨亚池


 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
新加坡2009年(第二季)全国象棋锦标赛八强赛,半决赛,决赛(总贴) 卷心菜   (96 bytes , 1847reads )
up 棋一生   (0 bytes , 205reads )
Public Apology: To Mr Shi Youbing ZJS   (774 bytes , 558reads )
Seriously, sometimes... ZJS   (927 bytes , 385reads )
Haha, nothing serious... 韦名   (166 bytes , 500reads )
我相信榴莲兄弟永远是兄弟。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 375reads )
Final Ranking -- 廖铭濠 巫汉梃 胡伟良 陈茗芳 赵金山 施由炳 林家勇 ....... 碧山   (45 bytes , 610reads )
恭喜廖帥!明年A組再創佳績吧! 田田一棋   (0 bytes , 311reads )
呵呵呵,老夫独具慧眼。小廖没让我失望。 桑原秀策   (0 bytes , 295reads )
恭喜魔术师! 火云邪神   (0 bytes , 395reads )
Anyone can help .. kurubear   (970 bytes , 351reads )
To avoid any duplication of efforts ....... 碧山   (514 bytes , 442reads )
Is the title of Grade B player permanent or.. kurubear   (109 bytes , 269reads )
Player grades of SIXGA is just like "O" and "A" level certificates, ..... 碧山   (254 bytes , 331reads )
We are currently constructing the FAQ possible questions on the XQ scene locally kurubear   (832 bytes , 347reads )
CHIchess Singapore Websites --- Besides these websites... kurubear   (275 bytes , 332reads )
another site but no updating for more than a year ....... 碧山   (38 bytes , 278reads )
This is from current Team Boon Lay or kurubear   (22 bytes , 316reads )
Boon Lay is one team since 1982 ...... 碧山   (80 bytes , 312reads )
We will be doing a trial run after ... kurubear   (313 bytes , 360reads )
Congrats the new champion (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 332reads )
精彩对局(总贴) 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 403reads )
SGR, 这个项目要在六月狮城宝岛公开赛前试验成功。你需要的应该可以在近期征取到。 kurubear   (0 bytes , 274reads )
unofficial, this year Singapore Open likely period 21 May to 6 Jun 2010 ..... 碧山   (0 bytes , 284reads )
由于2010年6月6日有一年一度的CFA杯,可能部分棋友无法参加象棋个人赛。 卷心菜   (37 bytes , 294reads )
“韩信杯”象棋国际名人赛 ....... 碧山   (122 bytes , 416reads )
估计吴特大会去。韩信杯是个好比赛。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 255reads )
Well if i receive an invitation I would take part and forgo singapore open xiaobeidou   (80 bytes , 411reads )
those plan to join and having chances in Top 8 of Group B can approach SIXGA ... 碧山   (429 bytes , 306reads )
哦,不要紧,如果个人赛真是5月底开赛的话我就不参加了,等到12月再参加。 卷心菜   (99 bytes , 280reads )
比赛初期,我应该是为象棋“时光囊” Time Capsule计划 SG-Reporter   (157 bytes , 323reads )
决赛(1局) 卷心菜   (527 bytes , 380reads )
半决赛(3局) 卷心菜   (1696 bytes , 330reads )
八强赛(3局) 卷心菜   (2658 bytes , 303reads )
第七轮对局(18局)(第一阶段的最后一轮,大家都在争夺八强名额,精彩绝伦) 卷心菜   (11835 bytes , 360reads )
第六轮对局(16局) 卷心菜   (8227 bytes , 423reads )
第五轮对局(20局) 卷心菜   (10036 bytes , 349reads )
第四轮对局(20局) 卷心菜   (11478 bytes , 355reads )
第三轮对局(21局) 卷心菜   (12938 bytes , 404reads )
第二轮对局(21局) 卷心菜   (12126 bytes , 336reads )
第一轮对局 棋一生   (4452 bytes , 440reads )
第一轮其他对局(15局) 卷心菜   (7876 bytes , 324reads )
很丰富对局,希望以后可以加入时间因素。SG-Reporter的方法也不理想。 kurubear   (28 bytes , 271reads )
施由炳对陈靖麟 几度   (5045 bytes , 431reads )
巫汉梃先和廖铭濠 magician88   (667 bytes , 483reads )
How about the fast game decider? (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 274reads )
有没有决赛对局记录? 几度   (0 bytes , 281reads )
半决赛对局 zyne   (1661 bytes , 515reads )
赵金山对林家勇(对局评注) 几度   (3848 bytes , 520reads )
失败的根源是对棋理了解的不全。 xiaobeidou   (250 bytes , 415reads )
xiaobeidou很直接啊 几度   (73 bytes , 333reads )
How to close up the difference? (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 304reads )
Study more. Talk less. 几度   (0 bytes , 338reads )
Any suggestion for effective method of studying? (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 310reads )
Talk less. Read and think more. 几度   (0 bytes , 321reads )
黑方第13回合改走炮1平4比較頑強 minghui   (204 bytes , 274reads )
炮2平4感觉还是红优 几度   (189 bytes , 308reads )
可能的一些變化 minghui   (142 bytes , 278reads )
赛事报道(总贴) 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 335reads )
决赛战报 临时报导员   (933 bytes , 438reads )
四强赛报导 临时报导员   (795 bytes , 437reads )
谢谢各位 几度   (186 bytes , 355reads )
All work as a team, Good Effort! Keep it up! (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 385reads )
Any news? (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 315reads )
八强赛报导 几度   (4197 bytes , 653reads )
八强赛相片4 几度   (293 bytes , 443reads )
八强赛相片3 几度   (441 bytes , 432reads )
八强赛相片2 几度   (373 bytes , 402reads )
八强赛相片1 几度   (401 bytes , 381reads )
八强赛对局 几度   (2929 bytes , 742reads )
这局显示出了巫汉梃深厚的中残功力,其铜墙铁壁的防守不容小觑! 一刀n断   (96 bytes , 417reads )
决赛 -- 20 Dec 2009 at 3 pm 碧山   (0 bytes , 324reads )
Any news? (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 278reads )
季军赛:陈茗芳VS胡伟良 碧山   (0 bytes , 362reads )
Today my prediction: 1. Minghao 2. Hanting 3. Youbing 4. Jinshan Einstein   (0 bytes , 404reads )
廖铭濠 vs 巫汉梃 ........ 碧山   (0 bytes , 390reads )
Equal chance throughout the game but ... kurubear   (117 bytes , 370reads )
明显,小廖棋高一筹! 桑原秀策   (0 bytes , 409reads )
I buy $10 SMALL 0030 巫汉梃 for First Prize Sunday Group B Open 2009-12-20 .... kurubear   (578 bytes , 384reads )
Heeheehee give me your $10 - kurubear (NM) kurubear   (2 bytes , 303reads )
半决赛 -- 19 Dec 2009 at 3 pm 碧山   (0 bytes , 292reads )
廖铭濠vs 陈茗芳 巫汉梃vs胡伟良 ........ 碧山   (159 bytes , 394reads )
八强赛 -- 18 Dec 2009 at 7:30 pm 碧山   (0 bytes , 304reads )
tonight in actions !!! 碧山   (184 bytes , 326reads )