Also please check if SIXGA is open on Friday Public Holiday & opening hours.
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2010-10-31 19:44

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 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
Chance to Play Friendly Games with Vietnam XQ Master SG-Reporter   (1282 bytes , 885reads )
中国象棋特级大师卜凤波与象棋大师尚威今晚抵达新加坡! 棋一生   (236 bytes , 332reads )
我这边没问题,弹性很大,剩下看象总有怎样安排。 SG-Reporter   (46 bytes , 244reads )
先看看汪洋北2009年越南“芳庄旅游杯”的对局,然后决定敢不敢挑战! 棋一生   (4283 bytes , 317reads )
汪洋北有负过,可以和他交流的,另外。。。 SG-Reporter   (64 bytes , 223reads )
昨天幸好“大难不死”,否则无法再上华新“悟入棋途”了! 棋一生   (253 bytes , 321reads )
棋一生老师注意安全啊 香陵居士   (28 bytes , 232reads )
“一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳”! 棋一生   (134 bytes , 290reads )
注意安全 多加保重 一刀n断   (46 bytes , 274reads )
大难不死 几度   (10 bytes , 270reads )
没有“后福”,只有“后遗症”! 棋一生   (248 bytes , 247reads )
必有后福 几度   (157 bytes , 243reads )
应该是“向他”挑战! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 279reads )
不是正式活动,应该是“互相学习“ SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 205reads )
新加坡棋友 vs 越南大师 友谊赛 SG-Reporter   (875 bytes , 297reads )
13 Nov 2010 (星期六) ---汪洋北棋友提早一天回国,这天活动取消。 SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 208reads )
07 Nov 2010 (星期天) SG-Reporter   (34 bytes , 221reads )
汪洋北大概1点放工,大约2点会到象总。 SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 222reads )
06 Nov 2010 (星期六) SG-Reporter   (20 bytes , 216reads )
有兴趣和海外棋友(Uong Duong Bac 汪洋北)交流的棋友可以 SG-Reporter   (31 bytes , 244reads )
星期天还有下吗?如果找不到人我愿意下。 火影   (22 bytes , 384reads )
頂!加油! 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 206reads )
不好意思,应该说我愿意向越南大师学习。 火影   (0 bytes , 221reads )
除非象总或国手有要求,优先考虑你。。。 SG-Reporter   (68 bytes , 226reads )
ok. 火影   (0 bytes , 229reads )
火影也是国手吧?哈哈。 几度   (0 bytes , 201reads )
05 Nov 2010 (星期五) SG-Reporter   (76 bytes , 201reads )
优先考虑以下棋友: SG-Reporter   (61 bytes , 297reads )
[Request Help 03] Sponsor who want to see their favourite player SG-Reporter   (74 bytes , 254reads )
[Request Help 02] Help in informing less active Singapore XQ friends on event SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 255reads )
Also please check if SIXGA is open on Friday Public Holiday & opening hours. SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 267reads )
[Request Help 01] check with SIXGA for permission to use its premises SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 217reads )