Cabbage has Vitamin 3P
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2013-03-15 15:59  评分:

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It takes 3P (Patience, Passion and Persistent) to organise such events annually without fail. Like the character of a good chess player such as GM Xu Yin Chuan, such attributes are crucial for a competition to succeed. In this aspect, you have made it!

I am hoping more Singaporeans (really appreciate Cabbage who is not a local born) can come forward to contribute to the Singapore Chess Arena, and also appreciate the people around who are doing it right now.

Chinese chess is a healthy game and train one's mind in strategic planning for one career and day-to-day affairs. When old, it is also good past time for older folks to battle over the table of game (better than gambling, ain't it?). From these few plus points, it is self-explanatory why Chinese Chess can't be one's life hobby!? ^_^

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