所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2014-07-26 12:41  评分:

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make it easier to forecast potential funds from membership for that year and make it simplier for SIXGA manager to collect the membership fees using this new system as it is only done at the start of the year which is when generally people has more funds at hand. It should get SIXGA more funds overall as players who wait till the national games will be treated as new members and so have to pay more. Of course, during that time, there was no concrete plan to implement the national team system, so it was not taken into account.

The national team director, I believe, already has a working plan for the national team system. The friendly discussion here is more for discussion purpose to help those not in the loop of SIXGA like most of us to better understand how some of the system work and thus reducing misconceptions and misunderstandings.

If we want all the national team candidate to be members, it might be a good idea to get all participants of the national games to be members. Someone calcualted before to me, it is actually cheaper to join as members. For those who dont join as members for the national games, we can simply allow them to participate but they wont be eligible for prizes, entry to national team selection and other benefits etc. This will also reduce the adminstrative hussle of getting them to register as members. The decision to be eligible for benefits will be made by the individual particpants themselves on the onset of the national games.

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探讨成立2015年国家队 AnthonyK   (1569 bytes , 1105reads )
heard that before 选拔赛 , need to check on the membership status. 新加坡碧山   (0 bytes , 99reads )
请问是已经是国家队员选拔出今年最终国家代表还是。。。 SG-Reporter   (26 bytes , 89reads )
I believe that 选拔赛 is to select a few from Team of 13 for 2015 新加坡碧山   (0 bytes , 103reads )
This is interesting. After selection games, SG-Reporter   (1432 bytes , 161reads )
put in the simple way ...... 新加坡碧山   (371 bytes , 103reads )
当初我提出年头统一收费主要是 SG-Reporter   (1485 bytes , 161reads )
Not really understand your views ....... 新加坡碧山   (267 bytes , 87reads )
进入国家队必须是国家机构的会员合理的。因为是国家代表, SG-Reporter   (89 bytes , 93reads )
2014年7月13日 -- 新加坡国家队成立仪式 新加坡碧山   (277 bytes , 114reads )
2015 新加坡国家象棋队13人 -- Top 8 of 2014 and 2013 全国个人赛 新加坡碧山   (0 bytes , 97reads )
象总《棋讯》2014年第2期 -- 国家象棋队内部集训赛。。。 新加坡碧山   (1099 bytes , 118reads )
象总第21期《棋讯》。。。 新加坡碧山   (27 bytes , 134reads )
成立国家队 AnthonyK   (99 bytes , 172reads )
Agreed. ZJS   (516 bytes , 248reads )
建议可考虑用Grand Prix 分数制 火影   (498 bytes , 245reads )
GP 方案 AnthonyK   (218 bytes , 225reads )
非常支持探讨,合理赛制能够选出最强壮阵容 卷心菜   (797 bytes , 204reads )
国家队 AnthonyK   (485 bytes , 213reads )
赞成建议 可以考虑所建议选拔方法先成立2014年国家队。。。 新加坡碧山   (179 bytes , 222reads )